There's No One Like You {CLOSED}

Aug 20, 2008 00:41

WHO: Yuna {letmesendyou} and Tidus {endofsin}
WHAT: A joyful reunion! And whistling.
WHERE: The shore
WHEN: Day 146

Scream my lungs out, trying to get to you... )

Ω tidus, place - beach, Ω yuna

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letmesendyou August 20 2008, 05:32:47 UTC
Her ears picked up on the tone of the whistle, and she turned on her heel toward where the latest crowd of newcomers were being pushed off onto the dock and spilling onto the sand. Then an arm shot up, waving around wildly like a lone stalk of grass sticking out of the ground. And beneath it, a tuft of blonde hair, disheveled and waterlogged, just like hers had been when she arrived.

She stopped whistling and ran in her darling way with her arms swinging at her sides, her hair whipping by her cheeks and her long earring jingling with each step as she soared across the sand.

The distance was crossed in a matter of seconds, and Yuna threw off her bag a few feet from the Blitzball player, her staff embedding itself in the sand.

Eyes filled with happy tears and a smile that filled her entire face, she cried redundantly, "Tidus!"

And before he could respond, the girl had flung herself at him with both arms outstretched, throwing them around his neck and crushing herself tight against his chest. He was there, he was real. She could hear his heart, smell the ocean on his skin and even the netting of his strange shorts against her shins. He was there.

For all of the horror this place had brought her, he was here now, and Yuna felt if she held on tight enough, he wouldn't disappear from her ever again.


endofsin August 20 2008, 05:49:19 UTC
The moment she dropped the bag, both of his hands fell to his sides. He felt his own emotions swell to the surface but unlike her, it wasn't visible. Tidus' eyes widened and he had been about to tell her there was no need to cry, when she pounced on him.

Well, he hadn't expected that, either.

He was such a klutz, they were both lucky he hadn't tumbled over his own feet and killed himself. He did stumble a bit on his feet, but he caught his balance and steadied, took a moment to look down at her before wrapping his own arms around her. It was tight without being uncomfortable.

Tidus held her against his chest like that, waiting for her to pull away. She seemed like she had needed contact and he wasn't one to complain. As awkward as he was with girls, he wouldn't push Yuna away.

He was content with holding her and not babbling on like he usually did. For once, he was silent and content with it. Something that wasn't an occurring thing with Tidus.

"Yuna, not to ruin the moment, but you're kinda crushing my lungs." He managed, a little strained.

And because it wasn't a reoccurring thing, it was broken with something that only he could pull off.


letmesendyou August 20 2008, 14:34:00 UTC
"O-oh. Sorry!"

She rocked back onto her heels and held her arms straight, though her hands were kept on his shoulders.

"Are you hurt? Injured? What was the last thing you remember?" Yuna's curiosity was getting the better of her; but she reigned herself back.

"I'm sorry, It's just... I'm so relieved to see you."

She wiped her eyes with her wrist quickly as if hoping Tidus wouldn't see her do it at all. She swayed her weight from her ankles to her toes like she often did when she was nervous.


endofsin August 21 2008, 00:16:39 UTC
"Don't sweat it." He laughed, a light and cheery sound.

Tidus took a breath when she stepped back, studying her face before she spoke again. This had to the Yuna he knew! Who else could it be? Yeah, it didn't make sense that they would both get pulled here, especially when he was pretty sure Yuna had been with him and not ... here.

"I'm okay." There went her worrying meter, slowly rising. Tidus appeared thoughtful as he considered her question. It didn't occur to him that the whole being taken from different times thing would affect him, at least, it hadn't until now.

"I, uh ..the Zanarkand Ruins. We were almost there." Naturally, he would leave out the part about finding out he wasn't real. Tidus searched her face for confusion or recognition of what he was talking about, before asking. "What's the last thing you remember?"


letmesendyou August 21 2008, 00:40:46 UTC
"I was about to marry Seymour," She bowed her head, "So that I could Send him."

She looked up, and opened her mouth like she wanted to ask what happened. But part of her still didn't want to know. She turned from Tidus to pace a short distance, facing the sea. The breeze rustled her hair and the little baubles that were woven into it.

"Don't tell me exactly- but... Did everything turn out alright eventually?"


endofsin August 21 2008, 02:11:34 UTC
Tidus made a face at that and looked off to the side at the same time she looked down. Seymour. They had been sentenced to high treason. God, he had been so angry and the only thing he could think about that was if he could just get close enough.

He watched as she moved to face away from him. He lifted a hand after her, like maybe he was going to turn her back around, but he dropped it back to his side and let her go. He crossed his arms and shrugged, even if she couldn't see it.

"Depends on what you mean by alright." He still didn't know the way it had ended, he was in Rive now. And Yuna (his Yuna) was going to have to face Sin without him. He lingered on that for a moment, but pushed it out of mind as fast as he possibly could.


letmesendyou August 21 2008, 02:46:34 UTC
She turned on her heel back toward Tidus, and propped her knees together, foot turned in.

"Rikku is here, too. But she's from a long time ahead of us. She says..." She paused.

Yuna remembered what a shock it had been when Rikku told her of her entire future, how she had simply collapsed in the sand, and felt woozy and sick for almost two days before she accepted what Rikku said. She pondered Tidus with her eyes and finished her sentence.

"That everything would be fine. Don't worry."

She toyed with her fingers and shifted from foot to foot, "I mean, I know that's weird coming from me."


endofsin August 21 2008, 12:08:24 UTC
He wasn't that fragile. He could take learning about their future without collapsing. Tidus thought he could, anyway.

The timeline thing was still a bit hazy to him. People who were different who were still the same people. In the end, it would have to do. When Yuna finally spoke again, he felt like she was trying to protect him, which really was an odd turn of events.

Wasn't that his job?

"Worry? Definitely the last thing on my to-do list."

He had been though, just a little. He watched her fidget and shrugged. "Yeah, well, the roles have gotta change some time, right?"


letmesendyou August 21 2008, 17:00:00 UTC
A blush cooked Yuna's cheeks hot pink. That the frail summonness was offering to protect the powerful ball player was laughable, but... she wanted to keep him himself. Rivelata had robbed the hearts of so many. She wondered about her own. She would keep him pure and unspoilt by Rivelata, if she could.

Rivelata had already damaged her. Yuna wondered what Tidus would think of her when he found out that a...thing had inhabited her.

She offered one hand and nodded once, "Come, I'll get you settled in at the Inn."


endofsin August 22 2008, 04:37:37 UTC
Yuna could have her delusions of protecting him, if it kept hope in her heart than so be it. Tidus wasn't about to take that away from her. He didn't need sheltering, he never had, but sometimes it was nice to have someone care enough to try.

Tidus' opinion of her could hardly change. People had flaws and strengths and they varied. He might have been a little shocked but he wouldn't look down on her for it.

His eyes flicked down to her hand and he paused only to pick his sword back up with the arm farthest from her, only to take hers with the other one. "Is that where you're staying?"


letmesendyou August 22 2008, 14:41:22 UTC
Yuna was naive, perhaps, but she felt as if she protected something, she wasn't useless. Curling her hand securely round his, she scooped up her bag and her staff, settling it on her shoulder comfortably.

"Actually..." This was going to be awkward, "I work as a maid. I live in the Estate my master lives in."

More than awkward, then.

{{ooc: respond to the main post again so our replies don't get all teeny!}}


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