There's No One Like You {CLOSED}

Aug 20, 2008 00:41

WHO: Yuna {letmesendyou} and Tidus {endofsin}
WHAT: A joyful reunion! And whistling.
WHERE: The shore
WHEN: Day 146

Yuna's heart rammed in her throat and made her ribcage ache. In between her laundry duty and tea, she had a moment to read the journal entries. If anything, to catch up on what her cousin Rikku was up to, and current affairs in the city, though she seldom left the Phantomhive Manor now. Flipping through the pages in a hurry to return to her duty, His face blinked up at her from the pages.

Tidus. The blonde stranger who taught her to smile and laugh and knew her as Yuna, not Braska's daughter, not the next High Summoner. Not a sacrifice to be laid on the altar of Zanarkand. He saw her as a friend, as a person.

And he was here

She whistled. He laughed. It really was him.

Yuna promised she would meet him at the shore, barely having time to set her tea caddy aside before sprinting to her quarters. She would have to apologize to Sebastian; but... her heart couldn't just leave Tidus there. He might disappear, like so many have recently.

She scribbled an apology note and stuck it to her door. Yuna all but tore off her maid's uniform and scrambled into her fresh clothes that she had acquired from the eclectic marketplace. She seized her staff and tucked in such a way that it was held between her back and her bag across her shoulders. She had learned little healing spells and simple spells worked at a greatly reduced rate, but only if she wielded her staff.

Soon she was bounding down the stairs two steps at a time, and the town whipped around her in a great blur, barely dodging people and food carts. And in no time at all, her boots sank into the sand.

The summoness was not the greatest athlete; she was suited to magic, and often times Khimari carried her when she felt tired. But now, Yuna ran faster than she ever had in her life down the shore, fingers in her mouth, whistling.

She kept whistling, winding down the sandy beach, searching for the one person who would recognize her clumsy little whistle.

Ω tidus, place - beach, Ω yuna

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