WHO: HiruClaire
WHAT: Hurt/comfort after the disasters of Friday night
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Early saturday morning, like 3 AM
It was well past midnight before Hiruma felt that he was done at the scene of the fire. Cleaning up, putting out the last of the tiny fires, helping those that could be helped, and trying to make himself useful. Something had happened at the festival, apparently, but Hiruma was far too tired to care. No one had died, and it seemed no one had gotten very hurt.
He opened the door and closed it quietly behind him. Despite the rain, the bat was black with soot. The hair on his head, which behaved more like human hair, was wet as well and in his eyes. He smelled strongly of smoke, charred flesh and death. A few patches of bare skin showed where he had been charred a bit.
"Blondie?" He called out quietly.