WHO: Van Grants, Asch the Bloody
WHAT: "My door is always open to you."
WHERE: The Crab-Claw Inn.
WHEN: Dusk.
Van had written, My door is always open to you. And Asch, because it was inevitable, had put down the journal and he'd come. It wasn't the right thing to do, perhaps, and he didn't respect himself for it, certainly, and the replica had every right to take everything he had and keep it. Perhaps he'd always deserved it more than Asch, but the only answer he had for Van was to see him, truly, when the night was upon him, when shadows softened his hard edges and they could simply talk.
If anything, Van was his only friend. Guy preferred the replica; Asch had only ever hurt Natalia, and in any case, even if she could forgive him, she wasn't here; Sync and he had an uneasy détente; and there really was no one else. Certainly there was no one else on Rivelata.
He should have told the replica. Perhaps he would have knocked some sense into him with the flat of his sword. With the sharp end. But he couldn't bother with the replica anymore. What Van had said on the docks changed everything, didn't it?
If the door was truly open to him still...
He lifted one gloved hand, poised to knock. Please, he thought. Don't let this be an ambush. It could have been-Van already knew he was weak-and it would have been all over then.