Taking Charge ~ The Longest Walk [Closed]

Mar 07, 2008 21:02

WHO: Schwarz - Brad Crawford, Schuldig, Farfarello, and Naoe Nagi
WHAT: Regrouping - Continuation of The Blood Bath thread
WHEN: After midnight, after the Blood Bath at the Ball

It was probably one of the longest walks they'd ever taken as a group. Crawford had proven he was indeed still conscious not moments ago, which meant that he was a lot better off than Nagi had given him credit for earlier on. At Farfarello's request, Nagi'd remained silent, but that only meant he was even more focused on keeping Schu mentally along for the ride; heavens only knew that if Schu didn't get some answers soon, he might really start losing it.

Nagi walked along the streets, not acknowledging how every light appeared to have a halo now, or that every house looked like it had two front doors. He'd memorized this route before they'd left; he didn't need physical landmarks, but it helped to know he was in the right ballpark.

Once they'd finally arrived, he actually opened the door with his hands, holding it open so that Farfarello could drag Crawford in with Schu shuffling along.

"Looks like we have to ruin another couch, Crawford," Nagi mumbled, pointing to the largest piece of furniture on the main level. He very carefully took stock... all four members of Schwarz were alive. Mission accomplished.

Nagi slumped in a chair, breathing heavily with his eyes closed. "Mooouuu..." he complained, trying to diffuse the tension, "Now I have a splitting headache."

Ω brad crawford, Ω naoe nagi, Ω farfarello, Ω schuldig, place - church of new world religion

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