Slicing And Dicing [Closed]

Jun 13, 2008 18:28

WHO: Agrias Oaks (northswainbraid) and Haruhi Suzumiya (theobliviousgod)
WHAT: The braided one teaches the moe-loving one how to wield a blade
WHERE: The beach
WHEN: The day before the Queen's announcement about monies

The quest you speak of, it isn't bound for glory... )

place - beach, Ω agrias oaks, Ω suzumiya haruhi

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Comments 6

theobliviousgod June 15 2008, 22:40:31 UTC
Haruhi would have been late, had she not sprinted the whole way from the Brigade's meeting house to the beach. But she had sprinted, which got her there just around the meeting time the knight had named, slightly winded, but otherwise ready to start. She took a deep breath, straightened herself out, then hefted the old sword onto her shoulder. She'd found it in the ruins of a house, unsheathed and abandoned - likely it had been on display in some library or other before the bombings had dislodged it. It was old, yes, but well taken care of - though the bombings had tarnished it a bit - and still sturdy and strong. Its owners didn't seem to care much about it anymore, so she didn't give taking it a second thought.

The SOS Brigade chief walked over to the knight, the wide grin on her face reflected in the blade of her sword.

"Hey, Agrias! I'm here!" She swung the sword out and held it, two-handed, in front of her. It was heavy, she had to admit, but with training she was sure she'd get used to the weight. "What are we learning ( ... )


northswainbraid June 16 2008, 03:51:36 UTC
Agrias backed up a few steps, a bit dumbfounded at the size of the blade Haruhi had found and how wildly she was pointing it everywhere. The knight puta fist to her mouth, cleared her throat, and began talking.

"First things first. I am going to teach you basic terminology. Study these terms well so that future lessons go well."

She picked up her pen, licked it quickly out of habit, and began to draw some diagrams in Haruhi's journal on a free page.

... )


theobliviousgod June 16 2008, 05:42:19 UTC
"Pommel, grip, cross-guard..." Haruhi muttered each term to herself as Agrias wrote them down on her journal, resting her sword back against her shoulder again as she did. Glancing at the blade, she noted with a small smile that it was double-edged. She would figured out sharpness later, and that was all words anyway. Words, words, words... she wouldn't have bothered with them if Agrias hadn't stressed their importance. Fine, she'd remember them, when she needed to. But now the knight was telling her to strike - and action was something Haruhi much preferred ( ... )


northswainbraid June 16 2008, 06:19:16 UTC
[ooc: Don't worry, I'm a huge Haruhi fan myself. I know how that girl is and how determined she can get]

Agrias stood firm and felt each blow vibrate down her arm. It was a familiar vibe, one she felt many times back at the academy in her homeland, where many young trainees went up against her. Haruhi had their energy, their will to learn. It brought a soft smile to her face.

"This young girl has potential.." she thought. Her throat cleared and she spoke up. "Keep striking until the blade and weight feel somewhat comfortable in your hands. After that, I will show you proper handling. That should be well enough for an introduction. Also, do you have any gloves, a belt, and a scabbard? If you do not, I can help pay for you to acquire some. They will help you hold and carry without injury to yourself."

She watched each blow, making mental notes of her posture and handling. "You are good, young Haruhi."


theobliviousgod June 16 2008, 06:48:15 UTC
[ooc: :D okay! I just didn't want to seem like I wasn't giving her flaws... @_@]

Haruhi couldn't help but grin at that. She grunted a "thanks!" at the knight, striking with more confidence until her muscles began to get sore and her head wasn't sure where her hands ended and the sword began. When the weight feels comfortable...

She stopped after her next swing and took a step back. The weight certainly felt more natural than it had when she'd first picked up the blade.

"I think I'm ready to move on now," she said, taking a deep breath to recover. Swinging a sword around was more tiring than she wanted to admit. Still holding the sword in both hands - albeit more comfortable now - she held it in front of her again, trying to copy the general stance that the knight had taken before.


northswainbraid June 19 2008, 04:53:01 UTC
[ooc: forgive my lateness ahhhhh]The knight sheathed her blade and looked Haruhi up and down, studying her figure and her stance. She grinned a bit and faced her once more ( ... )


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