Sweet Revenge [Closed, Incomplete]

Jun 05, 2008 21:32

Who: Hiruma Youichi (king_devilbat), Maximum Ride (nixe_eva) and possibly Naoe Nagi (technokinetic)
What: Because this needed more subtle revenge.
Where: Moonflower Teas
When: Shortly after the meeting is arranged and a second person contacted.

The post had been completely uncalled for. She hadn’t contacted Hiruma because she felt the need to speak with him (honestly, she could do very well right now ignoring him and Claire, or that's what she told her brain.) but because that post was completely disrespectful, and it said something about how stupid it was that Max, who wasn’t the most respectful person to begin with, had found it utterly unnecessary.

Then, there was the fact that Claire was alive (much to Max’s relief, even if she was still angry about the drugging affair) and had probably seen it.

The revenge would be amazing, especially if it involved Hiruma on her side this time, not that the bird-girl would ever tell him that. No need to inflate his ego.

She began thinking of completely humiliating -yet legal, once again, not that Max cared for laws much, but illegal substances were illegal for a reason and there wasn’t a reason to sully the Resistance's name any more than it already had become- things to do to Zach.

Max entered the teashop and settled into a seat, waiting for the mastermind at revenge to arrive, and possibly another useful person.

Ω hiruma youichi, Ω naoe nagi, place - moonflower teas, Ω maximum ride, ! side plot

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