Who: Adam Monroe, Lauren Reed
Where: Lauren Reed's apartment
When: Afternoon
What: Adam Monroe is in need of a few clarifications.
Ever since the other day when Lauren made some mention of saving Peter, Adam really couldn't stop thinking about it.
Not in the obsessive sort of 'I'm going to dig through your garbage now and give you reason for a restraining order' sort of unable to stop thinking about it that goes far beyond obsession and doesn't just merely border on the pathological.
It was more.. unexpected, really. Not something Lauren seemed apt to do. So naturally, Adam had questions. Especially if she happened to know that Peter was an interesting area where Adam was concerned.
But he wasn't about to broach that subject if it would make her try to kill Peter after she found out.
Adam did attempt to gain entrance to her apartment in the normal, socially acceptable way what with the knocking on the door and waiting for her to answer, as well as seeing if she'd answer any verbal prompts to 'open the damnable door already!' But there was no answer.
So Adam did the next best thing, namely breaking into her apartment using a few tricks he'd learned back in his mercenary days.
Now the only thing left to do was wait.
Adam made himself comfortable on her couch, an aura of smugness set in place just for Lauren, and waited.