{COMPLETE} These words are all I have

May 12, 2008 10:59

Who: Kuja (
de_novo_xiii ) and Shibuya Yuuri (
harajuku_fuuri )
Where: Moonflower Teas
When: Day 50, early afternoon
What: More memory retrieval


Research was progressing well enough, Kuja had decided. Today he was to meet a boy who claimed he had helped when the boy had arrived in Rivelata. 'Helped'. So many people threw that word around associated with his name. He had 'helped' people. It baffled him, for he only ever helped people if they in turn would help him with something he desired. Why help someone for nothing?

After penning a short invite to the boy, he preened that day's outfit in front of the mirror, pleased with how it matched the loose curls he had arranged his hair in. Informing his butler he was leaving for the afternoon, Kuja slipped out into the streets of Rivelata. He guessed his tail was probably fully bristled now, skin tingling with disgust as he forced himself to weave through the crowds.

Kuja hated people. He hated crowds of people. They all looked the same to him, as they moved about and scurried from place to place. Fingers gripped the parasol tight enough for his knuckles to whiten. Thankfully he found the tea house and found a place towards the back of the room.

And there he waited.

place - moonflower teas, kuja, Ω shibuya yuuri

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