Dec 01, 2009 23:32
It sure is snowing a lot. Good thing I got this coat that THANKFULLY ISN'T HAUNTED!! [Insert drawing of a cartoony Kuwabara doing a thumbs up.] Stupid haunted piece of-
Uhh, anyway...I got this little Christmas ornament thing of a really cute kitty! It looks exactly like Eikichi when she's playing with her ball of yarn. [Draws such an image.]
The snow's been making me think about Yukina. Well, I've been thinking about a lot of things, but it's the snow that made Yukina came to mind. (Though technically, she's always on my mind. Heheheh.)
I wonder how she's doing...I want to see her so bad but it's not right for me to actually want her to be here of all places.
Hmmm...maybe I should get myself a shovel and clear away some of the snow.
kazuma kuwabara