☼ The First Treasury Awaits ☼

Aug 27, 2009 10:23

[My, my, Balthier is not one to get confused but this little book or journal perhaps as he examined it over was rather unique, perhaps it was worth some value.

As he continued to examine it, the sky pirate seemingly turned on the recording function by accident.]

This ship is hardly to my liking, even for a leading man such as myself, sailing on a ( Read more... )

Ω balthier

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1/2 danceofrapture August 27 2009, 15:12:33 UTC
[whispered, tearfilled]
Thank the gods...


2/2 [recorded] danceofrapture August 27 2009, 15:13:51 UTC
Balthier!! Welcome- Well... It's not exactly the best place, but... You've landed on Rivelata... we're a long way from Ivalice. Fran's here... And Basch and Larsa and I.


[recorded] bal_thier August 27 2009, 16:22:42 UTC
Hmm? Aw, Penelo; So glad to see a familiar face already.

Rivelata you say? Isn't that a mouthful.

Where are the rest of this leading man's entourage if they are not here?


danceofrapture August 27 2009, 22:39:54 UTC
You're a sight for sore eyes, too.

We have a home all set for you both- House Bunansa. It used to be your house. You're just taking it back, right?

Nevermind- it's a long story and a lot of mess! Are you alright? What do you remember last?


[Recorded] bal_thier August 27 2009, 23:01:35 UTC
For you both? Aw, you mean Fran and I.

House Bunansa....

[Have a long pause before he speaks again.]

Yes of course, Penelo. Merely taking back what is mine would be precisely it.

As for the tall tale that can come later I suppose. I'm perfectly fine, young lady and as for what I last remember?

I believe we were headed to see the Garif on the account to learn somethings about that pretty stone.

[He didn't really want people to ask questions about the Dawn Shard.]


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