☼ The First Treasury Awaits ☼

Aug 27, 2009 10:23

[My, my, Balthier is not one to get confused but this little book or journal perhaps as he examined it over was rather unique, perhaps it was worth some value.

As he continued to examine it, the sky pirate seemingly turned on the recording function by accident.]

This ship is hardly to my liking, even for a leading man such as myself, sailing on a ship which doesn't fly holds little to no purpose for my tastes. What rank of Hume would even wish to do so in our modern age?

[Shaking his head a little, the leading man stands up, rubbing his head a little and he pats himself down before losing his footing a little.]

It would seem this little voyage has come to an end, lets see what manner of company we are in now shall we?

{ooc: Yes, Balthier does like to talk to himself.}

Ω balthier

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