Jan 17, 2006 18:26
Okay, to start, curse lightly snowy roads, and even heavily smowy roads for their slipperiness and danger. I haven't personally had any incidents yet, but a friend has, and.. no good!
Get to go to my dad's tonight until Friday or Saturday.
We decided to change our whole DI script, hopefully for the better, and it's one month before competition.
Weird things going on and all, and good luck to all out there who have finals in the near vicinity of this time.
Bought Squire by Tamora Pierce and George Carlin's newset book. In the middle of both. Both good. WAnted to get The Truth by Franken, but couldn't get both that and one of the other one's with the gift cards I had. Also getting new t-shirt next Sunday, and it will rock.
Have to go now, because dad is at door. Will finish later.