Jan 14, 2006 22:07
The back of my head hurts when I touch it. I have also been led to believe that I can never be fully free of health issues.
Had the tensest DI meeting tonight sine the time one guy freaked out, ate my face off, then walked out (only to return the next meeting). Also had an improv workshop, hosted by BNW, in the morning. I must say it wasn't as fun as the last year because a) it was only the morning, instead of both, I was solely a participant, and not at all involved int he closing performance or anything... And it was a weird relationship for me to have between not only the teachers that were there, but the two Teen Troupe members who helped with the elementary levels. IT was different, and for some reason I felt like I was thought less of... it's dumb, but it happened.
At least I have Zim to cheer me up.
Also only have a 4 hour shift at Target tomorrow.... probably going to ask if I can do carts. Because carts rock.
Saw Hoodwinked today. It was funny because of how badly it was made. Like, the script was worse than anything I would write and even attempt to be made into a movie, AND the animation was horrible. Parts of the script were added simply so they would have the easiest conflicts in the world. And it was basically the same story four times over, though the second two were more original than the first two. There were eyeballs going through eyelids, and rabbit ears going through the head. And the difficulty level of the "mystery" was slightly lower than that of an Encyclopedia Brown book. The only redeeming quality was the old goat/ram-thing. And his singing.