no no noooo well okay

Sep 16, 2009 21:06

I just had a bunch of stress pile up, but some good news is bringing it down a little bit. So let's recap:
  • What I thought was one of my teeth started aching a couple days ago with no stimuli causing it. I haven't been to the dentist in a long time. So I feared the worst and, since I do have dental insurance, found a dentist that takes it and ended up getting an appointment for earlier today.
  • My car started overheating again a few days ago. It has a coolant leak, so I've been filling it with water in the meantime. It seemed to be acting much better over the last couple weeks, but it got worse again. So I kept filling it, but today it got to the point where even using a whole pitcher of water didn't matter, as it leaked out and didn't get to the engine. So my car ran super-hot to work, and I tried to drive it home hoping for a different result (yes, the definition of insanity), but no deal. So I u-turned and went to the auto shop that I go to near where I work. There, I dropped it off, hoping it wouldn't be more than the around $550 I could pay.
  • I went to bed not feeling well and already knew what was coming. I woke up sick. This is what I am currently.

So I had my dentist visit (and they've scheduled more, yaaay!) It turns out that the pain was most likely from flossing in that part of my mouth. There's a gap there because I had my top cuspid teeth taken out when I got braces, so there's more gum there. And it got "traumatized," as she put it. So no horrible drilling, though I do have a couple small cavities they want to fill. I also grind my teeth way too much from stress (I do have a lot of that). And other than the other stuff that I heard about the last time I saw the dentist, nothing major except for them recommending more orthodontics some time in the future.

After I got home from the dentist, I had a message waiting about my car, so I called back and it turns out it's going to be around $360. So that's much better than what I was anticipating.

And though I am still sick, I no longer feel like today is going to drown me in shit. So that is a plus.
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