It is a privilege to not know what one wants to be when growing up.

Apr 06, 2009 23:25

Movies seen:
Iron Three (Kim Ki-duk; I watched it again and was spellbound once more)
La mala educación (Almodóvar)
The end of the affair
Together (Chen Kaige; it's alled "The Boy and the Violin" in Finnish)

I remember reading The Iliad in IB and now I want to read it again! We had a great literature teacher in Swedish A1. Her approach made an impression on me. "The purpose of art is to widen our consciousness." The thing I like about The Iliad is how timeless it is, and how our teacher was able to make us see some pretty progressive ideas in it: Hector as the protector of his family, Priamos as a loving king, Andromaché as a strong pacifist will, and how Paris in his role as the lover is much stronger than Menelaos and Agamemnon who only thirst for power, or Achilles for honour; and a lot of the hilarity in the story has to do with the scenes among the Greek Panthéon.

I'm pretty baffled at how it almost felt as though my brain was stuffed for almost a week, until I got to be back at work again, where I can think for myself and the introspection actually pays off. I have a list of things I need to do.

Wouldn't it be pretty cool if society was matriarchal and we'd live in big families with mums and sisters and daughters and aunties? It's a pity that instead, we have patriarchy, our society as based on consumption, the violence in ownership, parents trying to excert control over their children, men beating women, women starving themselves, children pushing themselves to burnout trying to please other people... There is more choice with abundance, but if that abundance has to be consumed there there is no real freedom.

Isn't it strange... that you have to give reason as to why you don't want to bear children, not to why you want to take that big step as to foster a person and being responsible for their life?
Isn't it strange... it's more important to bully a woman and make her feel guilty than it is for her to be healthy, even if it means that she will not carry a pregnancy to term?
Isn't it strange... that it's more important to lie about yourself to your grandparents, or at least shut up, than it is for you to openly be able to tell about your life and how you're doing?
Isn't it strange... that it's okay for people to make comments about your shape and your weight or your eating habits?
Isn't it strange... that it's okay for people to joke about hormones, but not okay to assert one's cognitive abilities to feel emotions?

I was just wondering why the happiness of the mother of a newborn would rather depend on her being full of hormones, than her cognitive ability to be happy about her child. (A lot of babies have suddenly popped into the world in a circle of friends.)

I've come to realise I sometimes pretty much leech the emotions in music I hear playing. I borrow them when my own won't be enough. Then I enjoy the shivers down my spine.

random, salo, braindump

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