May 19, 2004 08:46
My god...for once things are going good. Got the apt lined up. Beautiful place. I think i'll be very happy living there. Put my two weeks in. Had my exit interviews (took two hours b/c i listed every fucking fault with the company). Almost have the job secured. Just waiting on the security check....but i'm a good boy and should have no problem with that....the next week and a half will be very blurry i think.
Today's list of things to do.
Call my friends and invite them to the party....not like they'll show up b/c its *gasp* downtown.
try to reschedule with them b/c they won't go to the party, but so i can see them before i go.
do laundry at mom's house. Pack up excess laundry. ie. anything more than a week's worth of clothes.
Pack up all of my stuff (books, comics, vhs tapes, dishes, appliances) at mom's house.
Call my brother, invite him to the party.
Go to his house and pick up dvd's that he borrowed almost a year ago. Also, pick up tv, vcr and stereo.
Check how much I would save on my phone bill if i transfer my sympatico.
Pack up my dvd's here.
clean my room before allie comes down.
return giant mound of empty beer cases.
find dvd thingy for my xbox.
pay phone bill.
I got called "unsalvageable" at work. God I love my job. I think that's the first time I've laughed in months.
haha fuckers!!
Can't wait to get to sarnia. I think i need some nice R&R with my sweetie.