a real man

May 07, 2012 08:03

whenever I visit romance sites I bump into the non-question: "Is there anything sexier than a former Marine with a gorgeous body?" (Really. every time)

Yes, yes, there is.  A former marine isn't sexy to me at all.  Show me a real man -- a railroad engineer, a nurse, a chef, an archaeologist, a mechanic, a hairdresser, a guitar repairperson, a tailor, a phlebotomist, a glassblower, an irrigator, a dentist, a gandy dancer, a crab fisherman -- not a marine.

And those bodies that can only be achieved by carefully symmetric, exactly counted, perfectly time repetitions of precise movements and measured weights, and evenly tanned all over to some peculiar ideal?  They're boring and unattractive.  I want the ones that develop from real-life activities and experiences, a sinew there, a muscle there, a lump of fat there, a tan line, a freckle, a mole, a scar, something real and imbued with story.  I don't care what a man can bench-press.  I want to read his story.

I knew an ex-marine that I liked very much.  He joined to defend democracy.  When I knew him: he was a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

writing, reading, romance, men

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