first meeting

Apr 10, 2006 23:08

I just got home from the first meeting of the creativity workshop and spiritual discussion group. It was an interesting evening, the most enjoyable part was the second portion where we worked on creative projects. The facilitator holds this one evening per month at her home. She has a full fledged studio in her converted garage where we spent the latter half of the session. There were a number of newbies there tonight so that slowed things down a bit, getting everyone comfortable with the routine. We discussed sections of a book (the 13 Original Clan Mothers) that is being read by the group, then worked on the art stuff. All the projects that people brought were inspired by the book. I started sketches for my studio wall mural and got lots of great suggestions on how to make it happen and look just like I think it should. By coincidence it fits the theme of the book as well.

These sessions seem to be strongly built around Native American spiritual beliefs. I have only been exposed to these ideas as they are distilled for white folks, like what little we are taught in public school. Reading and talking about it only served to make me realize that I don't know much at all. Studying something new almost always has that effect on me. I did state a goal to find and unbury the more creative parts of me as well as finding any parts of my personality that don't have an outlet. In other words, to become more complete, as I believe I have come a long way in the last few years, have much life experience, I have much to learn about myself.

I met some wonderfully creative folks. The facilitator has a calm energy about her that I would have loved to take home with me. I am looking forward to going next month, and I might even be able to discuss the book some, having had a whole month to read it. Maybe.

I have someone coming out to look at the broken garage door Thursday and I have the guys coming Wednesday morning to install my counter-tops *squeee* The lawnmower is also fixed, so things at home are definately on the right track. Now I just have to find the time to look for a job. I figger that I need some down time right now anyway. I know I should look every day, but I quit my job so I could take care of my self, so why am I rushing to get a job so fast? Yeah, I need to earn some money, but I also need time to invest in myself because all the money in the world will not make me feel better.

women's group, job hunt, house

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