Oct 22, 2005 23:01
I believe in alot of things. I believe that there are some really immature people where I work. Some person or persons, I know not exactly who, wanted to make an issue out of two people's personal beliefs. One of the people was me. I do not understand why anyone would choose to take issue with any one else's spiritual beliefs. I know people do it, I just don't understand why.
The way I see it we all develop our belief system as we travel through our lives. I was raised Catholic. Although I no longer call myself Catholic, I still believe that some of what was ingrained in me since an early age stuck. The golden rule, some of the commandments (but not all), etc. That formed part of my belief system. I also managed to let go of some of the messages I heard in that church, they didn't serve me to continue on my path through life. Things like guilt, the belief that I could only be "good" if I went to church every Sunday, took the sacraments, that contraception is wrong, I could go on and on. One of the major things that I let go of was the idea that if you're not Catholic, you are basically not a good person. I have learned many lessons during my lifetime and hope to continue doing so. Each day brings new opportunities to learn, and I prefer not to be tied down to unchanging dogma.
I believe that a person is entitled to whatever spiritual veiwpoint makes sense to them. If it resonates and gives your life meaning then so be it. It makes you happy! Great! If you're an atheist, that's great too. I really don't care.
I care if you make a habit of being hurtful to people for your own amusement. I care if you steal. I despise preditory people.
I wonder why someone would say that I am a religious person. I have strong principals that I use to guide me. I have a well developed sense of right and wrong. I am rather rigid in my beliefs. I feel bad if I violate my own code of ethics. I try to make up for my shortcomings when I make mistakes. I know I make mistakes. I may have these traits in common with some religious people, but none of that has anything to do with religion. Or at least it has little to do with religion.
We cleared the air, this co-worker and I. We both found out the truth through the rumors and have a new understanding of each other. I believe that we have risen above the crap that is too often swirling all around and have a better relationship because of it. A relationship based on respect. That's how I like it.
Edit: I am not upset about people thinking that I am something I am not. I don't believe "they" think I am religeous at all. What upsets me is that "they" are making stuff up to make someone on our team uncomfortable.