Apr 20, 2008 23:06
Two weeks ago my DBF bought me Tabula Rasa. I waited until last Sunday to start playing and now I am completely sucked in. The premise is that Earth has been destroyed and a select few humans have survived and are fighting the agressors on another planet. Actually two, but I've only been to one so far. The game is thouroughly immersive and a great deal of fun to play. I have played Ultima Online, RuneScape and Toontown previously and this is easilly the best game I've come across so far. I'm still in the free trial period, but I'm pretty sure I'll be subscribing when my free time is over.
Although I have been spending a great deal of time gaming, I have also gotten a pair of socks done for my DBF and another pair almost finished for myself. I spun and knit two fertility amulet bags for BFF and hubby out of handspun. She dyed the wool with easter egg dye, I spun it on Friday and knitted the bags on Saturday. They loved them.
Tuesday April 29 I have my Apicoectomy scheduled. I can hardly wait for this to be over and done with. I have been getting fevers with more regularity the last few weeks along with some digestive symptoms which are probably related. Can I please put this behind me! Please!!!!!!