Are *you* a demon?

Mar 21, 2011 08:54

 If you have done any of the following things, you are heavily in danger of letting an evil spirit enter you.

  • The Ouija board is a popular occult board game and there is also Dungeons and Dragons. Satan's main target in Dungeons and Dragons game is our youth. With Dungeons and Dragons, the most powerful and successful players are those who use magic. There is a Dungeons Master Guide that even teaches new beginners how to communicate with the dead, cast spells, and learn to chant.
  • The use of magic revolves around evil spirits, psychic abilities and contacting spirits. Magic is a power that does not involve God. It is a power that is derived from such things as voodoo, sorcery, primitive religions and Satanism. Most witches who use magic swear that they do not worship Satan but worship the gods and goddesses of nature (The gods and goddesses of nature are hardly Jesus Christ! Of course they worship Satan! Do not let someone who practices this occult tell you otherwise!). Many of these individuals are unknown because they blend in quite well. They can be found attending church services in every denomination and they practice their magic on the side. If someone tells you white magic is ok--don't believe them!!
  • Use of new age tools such as crystals, divination, astrology, tarot cards, crystal balls, reincarnation, pendulums, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation
  • Those who make a pact with Satan or attend Satanic services or rituals.
  • Going to Séances, fortune tellers, Horoscopes, or spiritualist meetings for the purpose of contact the dead.
  • Those who use alcohol or mind changing drugs such as LSD, cocaine, marijuana
  • Sex out of wedlock, active homosexuals, masturbation, adultery
  • Those who have an abortion
  • Those who try to commit suicidal or have suicidal tendencies.

Please, if you have done any of these things, let someone know so an exorcism can be scheduled.

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