Oh, geez, my life seems so boring when I try to describe it

Dec 16, 2009 12:40

Brief introduction for my new friends:

Hi! My name is Lissa and I'm a twenty-something living in Japan and teaching English part-time at a cram school (the school where Japanese students go after their normal school day is over.) I enjoy reading, writing, knitting, and nerdy television shows. I also love playing nerdy board games and pen and paper rpgs. Oh, and I absolutely love talking about language. I was a linguistics major in university, and find it completely fascinating. I share an apartment with my significant other, and the only problem with that is that neither one of us does a very good job picking up after ourselves. Right now, there is a huge pile of dishes in the sink I should be doing, but I thought this livejournal post was more important. :-)

This journal is fairly new. I had a livejournal when I first started college, but frankly my life was so depressing at that point that it was basically a chronicle of suck. So, now that I am finally a college graduate and content with me life, I decided to make a new journal and a new start! Hopefully this journal will be split fairly evenly between fandom squeeings/rantings and my personal life.

To sum up:

Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, and other such nerdy shows
Simon Pegg--I love when celebrities seem just as nerdy as I am
Accents, both hearing them and talking about them
105 yen kaiten sushi--my favorite places to eat in Japan
Catchy music of any genre

Reality TV. I'd rather watch made-up people being stupid than real people.
Cold weather. This was an issue when I lived in Milwaukee.
Eating food that stares at me. I have to cover the head up with a napkin before I can even think about eating it.
Gender equality in Japan. You will occasionally see me ranting about this. I apologize in advance.

So that's me in a very small nutshell. It's nice to meet all of you!

japan, blah blah blah

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