We're moving!
Gave the landlord notice. That what he gets for not painting the fence or fixing the bedroom door. Serves his cheap ass right.
We'll be out in mid- December.
In preparation for moving, we're..erm...unpacking? Well, yeah. About 25 boxes still in storage waiting to be unpacked from our move here, never brought them into the tiny house. So I'm going through them. The (increasingly towering) piles are: trash, keep, and garage sale.
So I've been finding things: old sweet cards, notes from when we were dating, pictures from Andrews, old cheap jewelry that just comes short of being outright tacky (should sell great at the garage sale), figurines, decorative stuff, art supplies, baskets, boxes, clothes, tools, and various other things.
And the verdict is: We have alot of crap!
Which is amazing considering we've moved so much. Ought to have pared down by now.. thought we did!!! Each time bunches of stuff get thrown out.
And still so much left to go through. If not for moving around so much, who knows where I'd be. No, I mean seriously... no one would know, because I would be buried in all the junk we've managed to accumulate. I'd be like that crazy junk lady from labyrinth, although hopefully not keeping 80's chicks imprisoned in replicas of their childhood bedrooms. Hmm? Don't know the reference? Okay, I know some of you do, I made at least one person out there watch the movie. Go watch Labyrinth!
Ah well, back to the packing!