Feb 21, 2006 11:50
Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play.
Step 2: Write down the first line from the first 20 songs that play or close to it.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs (or similar) when someone guesses correctly.(The one's with an X in front have already been correctly identified)
1) My lover is gone, his boots no longer by my door
X 2) I don't know your face no more
3) There's a dream that is never ending
X 4) She'll only come out at night
5) I don't know why I'm frightened, I know my way around here
X 6) Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart (HA!)
X 7) You cut me down a tree and brought it back to me
8) Well Joanna she runs a country
X 9) Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
10) Well, I don't really mind where you wanna go
X 11) Wind is cold alright back in Dallas
12) And I wanna believe you when you tell me that it'll be okay
X 13) Where I come from isn't all that great
X 14) You promise me this, you promise me that. You promise me anything under the sun (Lara?)
15) Love makes me treat you the way that I do
16) To think that a man, as famous as you are, could love a poor little nothing like me
17) You've got my lost brother's soul
X 18) Where you are seems to be as far as an eternity
19) Some Enchanted Evening, you may see a stranger
X 20) Regular exposure to insecticide has caused me to break out in hives
For the musicals in there, all I want is the song title and musical it is from.
The question is, who will number 6 first? EDIT: And it's ALLISON!