
Feb 03, 2007 09:24

i can tell i'm getting older, my boobs are hanging low.

walked braless down to the rubbish bin the other day.

on the way back i noticed that my boobs were moving INDEPENDENTLY of each other, in time with my walking. omfg i am never not wearing a bra again. i will need a bra lift soon! as well as lipo. omg.


so, work has started again and there is A LOT of shit going down in my team. it is FUCKED and we are only in week one.

the good thing is that our team leader buys biscuits!


she is a fucking PSYCHO. right!

so day one, a new batch of tiny cute yr 8's. all wide eyed. there are 10 form teachers. our role (besides teaching) is to act in a pastoral care capacity for the kids in our form. we are the first port of call. the kids spend a lot of time with us and need to know that we are on their side.

so, i'm going into my 3rd year at this school. past 2 years, we've called out the names of the kids in our forms.

blah, i'm not going to go into detail, but lets say that i spoke to her at the end of day one.
the conversation ensued thus:

Me: I'm confused as to why you read out all the kids in our forms, but Pat and Kirstie got to read their own forms.

Her: well, i wanted to read out everybody's as that's my job.
she then proceeded to tell me how furious she was at patrick for telling the kids off for sniggering at some other kids name. she also told me about how she's been managing people for years and has a masters in education and has been around the block. she also said that team leaders have different styles.

she then said that Christian (our T/L from last year) had never been a T/L before, whereas she has.
i responded with, "he has been a T/L!! he was one at ballajura"

and she said, "Oh, i don't care about that!"

omfg. what a bitch!
she is threatened by EVERYBODY and is doing everything she can to control us. CONTROL us!@!! we are ADULTS. she told patrick off (my dear friend and very experienced teacher- 30+years on the job!!!) TWICE and o BOY he was ropeable.

i can't BELIEVE she dismissed christian so easily too. he was a fucking SUPERIOR t/l.

she needs to remember that she only has a 6month contract (she's wanting to renew it) and if she doesn't treat us with respect she is not going to fucking get to finish the year.

omg. she has this constant need to assert herself and how experienced she is. really, although she's in her 50's she's only been teaching for like 6 years or something. OMFG. she's managed fast food stores & stuff before and been in personnel.

after i finish here i'm going to give catherine a call and discuss this matter. everyone on the team who was there last year (excepting maybe sally & kirstie... but kirstie is the T/L's absolute favourite - she didn't tell her off for doing the same thing as pat!) is freaking OUT. we had SUCH a great leader last year who really inspired us all to do the best job we could. and now this.

she may be an experienced manager of people, but she's no leader.
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