Jan 20, 2010 21:41
So I just glanced back at the beginning of my relationship with Victor according to my LJ. Why couldn't I understand then that things were never going to get better? Because they didn't.
I looked back because I met a new boy and I wanted to see what kinds of things I've said about meeting boys in the past. I know I'm always like, "Ohh I met a boy, he's so great and wonderful. I've never known anyone so wonderful, blah blah blah."
All I'll say about Jonathan is that his mother raised him very well. He's such a gentleman and says the sweetest most wonderful things. (He's also a freak, in reference to that Ludacris song haha). There's a lot of back story and blah blah blah, but I'm really smitten with him and have already told Courtney that I'm keeping him. We've actually discussed the circumstances of what's going on in his life, so it's possible we wouldn't even be able to make it work. When he told me all this stuff I was like "Ahhhhh Victor deja-vu!" But the circumstances ARE different, he's perfectly content in Jersey (which I don't know if I am anymore) and wants to be a state trooper. I say go for it. I'm just having fun for now, but I'm sure I'll be head-over-heels by March or April if things keep going the way they are.
The best part is that he just fell into my lap. I wasn't going to go the day we met. I was trying to bring Ryan with me but our schedules just didn't work. I had just decided I was done with trying to date boys. He'd very recently broken up with his girlfriend. Etc, etc, etc... destiny, if you believe in that sort of thing, brought us together. And don't even get me started on how much destiny interfered with our first date and made it all the more amazing. Right now, I'm in love with destiny <3
As for Mr. Cali. I adore him and I always will. Jonathan actually pronounces some of his words like Mr. Cali, it's so weird. The pleasant part about that is that I'm beginning to associate the way Jon speaks with Jon and not Mr. Cali. Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Cali and I probably will forever. But how long can I hold on to something that barely existed the first time around? The second time around? He doesn't call, text, email, message, NOTHING. If we talk, I initiate... I can't live this way. The rest of those fools got cut for similar reasons.
I'm working for the US Census right now. It was day two, so still stress free and kind of fun. I'm exhausted though. It's good to have an income. I'm trying to get used to this schedule so I can get back to my real job of looking for real jobs.
I wanted to write so much more, but most of it turned into blahs and etc. I'm really really tired. Jonathan's going to call soon and then lights out for me, so goodnight ladies and gents. Hope life is treating you well. I'm happy... maybe still happy, I don't remember recent entries. I hope it lasts <3
j russ,