End of September

Sep 28, 2008 20:31

Elis apartment is warm dry and empty this evening, which suits me fine. The fall Youth Ecovillage Convergence took place at OUR over the last weekend, and the extra energy it brought was welcome but tiring. I taught an Earth Floor workshop with Elke all day yesterday, then took a Playback Theater workshop with Rob Birch[1]. Today was finishing the floor, afternoon closing circle, and now into Victoria.

This morning it felt like we were Really An Ecovillage, Really Doing Something. There was a biodynamic workshop happening in the garden, we were finishing an earthen floor, the folks visiting from Kenya were dancing in the kitchen, and Mark Lakeman [2]was wandering around with Elke and me talking about the art studio.

How can it be October in uh, two days? My program is over in two weeks. Crazyness. I miss Elke even thinking about it, even as I look forward to the future. (speaking of which, what WAS the plan again Smith?....)

[1] I have a career crush on Rob. (http://www.playbacktraining.com) He is possibly the most skilled facilitator I have ever watched work.

[2] Speaking of career crushes, this man is part of why PDX is the forefront for urban natural building in north america. http://activistarchitect.blogspot.com/2005/11/mark-lakeman-communitecture-and-city.html
or check out http://www.cityrepair.org/wiki.php

work, our

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