Fucking Lame Assed Job Rant

Mar 09, 2007 01:00

I have no reall reason to be awake a this moment in time.  In fact I should have been passed out and dead to the world about an hour ago and yet for some damn reason I am still awake.  The last two (2) days at work have been Hell, and not that fun kind of burning the souls of sinners in the fiery pits sort of fun Hell but the other kind, you know the kind that sucks, the kind that is all pain and work, and will suck-ness.  I have to be up in less than seven (7) hours to go back to work at a job that I dont mind for a boss that can be kinda ok (when he is not at home sick and dieing of the Black Death) but for a company that is just about the most evil thing since coffee.  And I know that even though I busted my ass for the last two (2) days I know that some self important talking-cock-face is going to be all bent outta shape because this thing or that thing did not happen and I am going to be the one left to twist in the wind for it.  Man I tell you it fucking sucks being right all the goddamnedmotherfuckingtime.  Anyway I am going to go and try that thing with the eyes closed but just one more time and see if perhaps this time I cant make it work.

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