(no subject)

Aug 22, 2006 11:57

I guess I  never really addressed Alison being kicked off of PR.  I find it absolutely ridiculous that Alison was offed & someone like Vincent is still there.  I know it was the producers decision & not the judges.  It had to have been stricktly for ratings, unless Vincent drugged the judges' coffee.  It was very plain to see that Alison was one of the best designers on the show.  Even if you didn't like her design style, it's undeniable that her construction was always flawless.  After she was kicked off I felt like I didn't even want to watch the show anymore, but I know I have to keep watching for Jeffrey - a) cause he's really hot  b) he's really the last good designer left on the show, now that bradley & alison are gone.  But I know they're gonna boot Jeffrey sometime soon (you can tell the judges don't like him), at which time I will become even more angry with the show than I was when Alison left - a) i won't get to stare at jeffrey & become giddy when they show him shirtless & half-awake or shirtless & just-showered anymore.  b) there will be no good designers left, & that makes the show pretty much pointless, in my opinion.  To sum it up:

You know they slept together every night on the show.

Alison will have an exclusive shopbop.com line coming out in September.  I'm sooo coppin' that shit.

So summer's almost over.  Here's pictures from the last week or so, before Devon left for college.  damn.

(i didn't put any effort into resizing.)

we bought her a present.

the only reason i want to go back to school is to get it over with.  first semester is gonna suck.
pops said if i get a 4.0 i get a car,  4.5 i have "input", 5.0 i can pick out the damn thing.
4.5 shouldn't be hard.  5.0? eh.

note: if you can't spell vegetarian, then I doubt you actually are one/know what the fuck you're talking about.


i don't think he did it anyway.  i think he's just fucking crazy.
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