hello everyone!
i realize that it's been five-point-seven years since i last
write. i apologize. i don't know why i haven't updated this
in so long... i guess i always mean to and then i don't.
anyway i've been typing emails and such for a good hour and a half or
so, and i have to admit, if i could write this entry in crayola marker
instead of typing, i'd do it in a second. random?
yes. true? yes.
i guess i should go random-thought style, just to organize the madness.
madness: there's really
no madness to write about, just simple little randoms that have been
happening in life. so i apologize if my use of the word "madness"
made you think that i was going to have something exciting to say.
a letter from purchase college:
today i got a letter from purchase. it was addressed to me and
the envelope seemed kind of think and i was a little worried that it
was going to be some crazy letter from howard enders saying i needed to
do something drastic or he was going to kick me out of school.
i'm not sure why that's where my mind jumped, but i guess it's because
i love my program and i'm really not in to the idea of leaving
it. well anyway, the letter was not from howie, but instead was
from reslife, saying that i have to send them four dollars and some-odd
cents to pay for damages that were found within the building. so,
the big happy family living in one big house idea is back - and we're
all going to chip in to buy fakemom and fakedad a new fire alarm and a
new window. blah.
the cruise to nowhere: my
parents, grandmother, and aunt, are currently sailing in the ocean with
absolutely no destination on the "cruise to nowhere". the ship
goes nowhere in particular, but i'm fairly sure that it picks somewhere
with nice weather to sail to. anyway, my parents sailing in the
ocean means that i am in charge of my brothers...and allie, i
guess. i think that's kind of funny. last night i forgot
that i had to get up with henry this morning to get him to
school. that's probably because i'm a horrible sister.
patrick asked what time i was going to get up and i said "eh, probably
around 9" (now, patrick and i were in the front seat of the car and
henry was in the back) and from the back seat we heard henry say "um,
lauren.. you have to get up with me so i can go to school.." i felt
pretty bad.
red robin: henry had his
heart set on going to dinner at red robin, which just opened in
latham. he had been talking about it for days, so there was no
way we were going to be able to not go to red robin.
unfortunately, because this is latham, the whole town has gone crazy
and there was no parking at the place, and there were like 40 people
waiting to be seated. so, we drove to clifton park and went to
their red robin. ridiculous, yes. good food though...
lake george: it seems
that lake george had horrible storms the other day and has consequently
floated away. no good, no good at all. also, lake george
seems to attract rain. last week when garret was here we went to
go to lake george... we drove the hour to get there, and the whole time
i kept talking about how fun it is to walk around there (which i guess,
it really isn't..) anyway the second we got off the exit, it started to
pour. then it stopped for like a half hour and then rained
continuously for another hour. so we kind of spent the day under
a porch-type thing on a beach. quite sad. but fun, anyway.
speaking of which: garret
came to visit. which was fantastic and fun and nice and ... in an
attempt to not go on and on forever, i will simply say: i truly
enjoyed having him here. and i miss him.
sara: i am looking forward to your return to the 518.
pizza: i am making home-cooked pizza for dinner tonight. wish me luck!
chai tea: yesterday i
bought the stuff that they use at starbucks to make chai tea. i'm
going to attempt to make it soon, and i really hope it goes well.
here's hoping.
the family: i miss the
family -- not the one here, because i see them every day. the one
at school -- you all know who are you. i miss you all! i
can't wait until we can eat dinner together again and have all the same
helayna, i learned a really great story that i plan on telling you
every night before we fall asleep. i don't think you've heard
this one before -- it's called "in a dark dark room". i think
you're really going to like it.
katie holmes/tom cruise:
apparently they had a press conference this morning where he announced
that he proposed to katie holmes in paris last night. i'm so very
confused about why this relationship is so incredibly public.
clearly everyone is speculating that it is a publicity stunt -- and i
have to say, how could it not be? i'm not a love-cynic or
anything, i am not saying that i don't believe that they could be in
love or whatever... but why do they feel the need to broadcast it to everyone
if there isn't some sort of intention behind it? it just seems
so...weird. if they're really truly in love, why do we all need to know about it? i'm so confused!
tomkat: on the today show
this morning, they had a story about the tom cruise/katie holmes
engagement. there were several reasons that i found this report
humorously ridiculous. they are:
- preceeding the report was a "coming up next" blurb about a new
test where pregnant women can tell the sex of their baby within the
first five weeks of pregnancy from a blood test that looked like the
kind of finger-prick test that people take when they have
diabetes. now, i would think that such a techonological advance -
one with ethical implications - would be big news. so did the
today show, i guess... but not quite as pressing as the fact that they
had an nbc reporter on the train with tom cruise and katie holmes in france.
- so basically they said "coming up within the half hour, a
groundbreaking technology that has many questioning the ethics involved
with finding out the gender of your baby within the first five weeks of
pregnancy. but first, our very own *insert name here* is on the
train in france with katie holes and tom cruise. now, we go
straight to *insert name here*.
- the screen then went to a map of france, with a line indicating
where the train track is, and a star indicating exactly where the
aforementioned train was. it looked like the kind of map that
they put up when a world disaster has occurred, or they are reporting
on a war. yet the title of this map was "INSIDE THE WORLD OF
- ...help!
- Also, at the bottom of the screen, where they write a description
of what you're listening to, it said "TomKat: *insert name here*
Reports from Tom Cruise's Train in France"
- TomKat? I realize that's a play on the word tom cat -- but
please. it's not as catchy as Bennifer no matter what you say.
- Also, why is America like this? Why do we care more about
tom cruise and katie holmes than ground breaking technology that could
very well lead to horrible problems like increased abortions as a
result of people wanting to chose the gender of their children?
why is it a lead story that katie holmes has converted to
scientology? who cares?
- plus, what about dawson and pacey?
oh yeah, and hillary duff was on the today show. i'm not going to lie: i still love hillary duff.
p.s. the OC is taking over my life. bad, very bad. i'm glad
i'm starting work soon -- maybe i'll go back to being a normal person.
okay, i'm going to go try out the new chai tea stuff. wish me luck!
smiles to all of you :o)