away and random

Mar 03, 2009 17:20

am disgustingly sick due to the disgusting weather and the disgusting hours i've been keeping during my 1 week (++) break. payback time now. (so if i haven't replied your comments or commented much in your ljs, it's cos i'm sick and i'm sorry =( )

watched hsj's PVs and making videos (desperately seeking hikaru with my sleep-addled eyes) .. did i mention how cute he looks in your seed? (in the 5 seconds that he actually appears in the corner of the screen -_-).. which is more than i can say for his graduation clips (the long floppy retro hair.. oh dear hikaru. you already look like yogi bear to begin with. floppy fur does not make it any better =X) and yes, i realised i have an indecent obsession with their hair =X

relying on more eps on can!jani and maybe some butoukan (tsuka-chan's smile XD) to tide me through my bed-ridden state.. until hetalia ep 6 is subbed (and posted on the comm cos i'm too lazy to find it myself =X)

oh! even more random - ryo's accident .. when? yesterday? haha it is pretty amusing to see the news fans go "oh no ryo-chan! poor baby!" (yes that was what someone said) and eito fans are more cool about it.. maybe cos he was written as a news member and not k8 hehe =X ok but to be nice (which is not what i am when i'm sick), news has gone through a long suspension and loss of more members than k8, so their fans are likely to be more paranoid when something happens. the media did make a big hooha out of it too. i just hope it doesn't affect eito much.. I WANT A SPRING CON!!! XD

random, kanjani∞, nishikido ryo, yaotome hikaru

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