(no subject)

Feb 23, 2009 03:39

i really should change the layout of this page. it's getting a little blinding for my old eyes, especially since i usually come here in the wee hours of the morning -_-

am currently into my 4th consecutive hour on youtube watching shuuji to akira clips -_- at quality levels so low that the pixellation are in BLOCKS of 1cm widths. -_- i'm super duper hooked on seishun amigo (i know, i'm late. kamepi is so old that i doubt any fans are still around) cos i love how the song sounds (and as i type, "daite senorita" KEEPS running through my head -_-) and shhhhh~ i really want to learn how to do the dance XD

since i'm randomly blogging on JE (which is the sole purpose of this lj's existence), i'm glad to report that i'm getting better at identifying voices (although yasu's voice will forever baffle me -_-).. and i'm better at lyrics! it's helping me improve my japanese (i hope) cos i'm learning new kanji XD what a great excuse hurhur

can't wait to listen to this week's recomen again (was busy with my project while listening on thurs, so 90% of it went past me -_-) and can!jani~

oh yeah. while surfing around youtube, i finally managed to watch NewS in action.. up till now, my exposure to them has only been.. taiyou no namida (?) PV which i dled by accident. i dunno, being a totally biased k8 fan (i'm still new to it thus my loyalty is at 1000% now XD) and absolutely foreign to JE till like 3 months ago, i've always been against NewS.. cos of ryo. i STILL think it's a really stupid idea to put one person into two popular bands (and hey if u don't expect the band to become popular, you wouldn't have created them in the first place.. right, johnny? >.<).. and to a k8 fan, it's only normal to resent news for "snatching" ryo away....... right? -is stoned by news fans (boy am i making myself popular to other fandoms -_-)- and being biased, i've always assumed that ryo would prefer fun crazy together k8 to stodgy news (where he'd have to always keep up his image).. but i might be wrong. (anyway, i don't know anything abt news so how do i even compare?) i have to say, the clip i saw on ryo and pi singing seishun amigo during the news pacific tour was impressive. i've never seen ryo in his IDOL mode (with cool songs and cool dancing a la kattun) and honestly, he's a damn good dancer. *-* (and i've always been a closet yamapi fan ever since proposal daisakusen).. he looks happy with news during the tour.. so now, i'm not so certain that news is all that EVIL. especially since news calls ryo "ryo-chan" (i think kato does at least..) but yoko calls ryo nishikido (not sure abt the others) (and this was on last week's recomen i think).. so maybe ryo's actually closer to news? i dread to think that k8 is actually like a burden to him =(

anyway, sometimes i wish k8 was more cool and idol-ish - in the sense that they have more mainstream jpop songs and cool dance moves.. especially since i'm sure they can all dance well (they WERE juniors before, after all -_- although their joints might be rusty by now =X). i do recognise that they are more niche in the sense that they were marketed different from the jpop look - otherwise, they wouldn't have started out in the enka classification, and their appeal is their down-to-earth, warm and sincere approach, rather than the cool-put-them-on-a-pedestal-to-worship type. the commoner's friend type, ya know? (haha) but secretly i wish they could SOMETIMES be cool to show everyone else (all the other JE bands -coughkattuncough-) that they can be cool and have fangirls go crazy (not like they aren't already crazy anyway =X) if they wanted to.. somehow i get the slight impression that they are considered.. not as good cos all they know how to do is talk and manzai. i dunno, it's a weird twisted feeling of wanting to flaunt/show them off.. maybe to prove to ryo that k8 is better than news? okay this is getting weirder.

okay anyway. i'm back to ogling at pi (sorry kame =X u were only cute in that one ep of gokusen 2 before jin/moco-chan/teppei overshadowed you. XD) until i can find the shuuji to akira PV to download (and rip to mp3 if i have to...)

i refuse to tag this with news although they form half the content here. k8 all the way, yo~ =D

random, kanjani∞, shuuji to akira, yamapi, rant, ryo

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