The Story Of A Girl On The Morning Of A War

Jun 25, 2005 13:22

Kennedy quietly made her way through the halls of the hotel. She was trying to scope out what was going on. Cain had informed her to keep tabs on the arriving members of the other side. The battle was imminent and she was getting restless. She'd managed to take out some of her aggression and anger on Genesis, but Cain had stopped her, saying she was taking it too far. Taking it too far? Doesn't he realize how bad I'm hurting? What he's done to me? I am what he wanted me to be all along and now he wants me to take it down a few notches. Whatever. She rolled her eyes to herself as she entered the busy casino, managing to blend in with the large crowd. Her eyes were peeled for any familiar faces.

Isabella crept about the casino, watch the sinners, and the saints about to become sinners, feeling nothing but the raw ache of the emptiness and disease Kennedy had left clawing inside of her. Even Ana's limitless credit card couldn't fill the space in which there was so much nothingness, she was afraid she was going to drown in it. Instead, she watched the people all around her, and below her, from where she stood, like an angel on her high perch. She felt nothing more than abject apathy until suddenly her heart stopped beating. She felt everything crawl into slow motion around her, as the blood in her veins cooled perceptively as she walked around a large pillar where she could not be seen and then disappeared, to make her descent down to the main floor.

Once there, she slowly undid the gold sequined scarf at her throat, which she'd opted for, rather than jewelry, with her black strapless, corsetted silk tea-length gown. Quickly covering Kennedy's eyes with it, she tied it quickly, blind siding her and giving herself just enough time to twist both of the other Slayer's hands behind her back, holding them firmly there. For once, she didn't have to worry about Kennedy's mouth. She had too much pride to scream.

Leading her away, all smiles to anyone who looked her way, like it was a game, silently, she dragged Kennedy down a long corridor, and into an elevator, up several stories, through more corridor, and finally into a room, locking the door behind them. For a second, Isabella just breathed, looking at their strange reflection in her ornate mirror. At her strange reflection. You could barely recognize the poor girl from Baltimore. She looked like Grace Kelly, except more golden, in her tall, gold and crystal lace up heels, and her bronzed Italian skin in stark contrast to her now more wheat colored hair than ever before. For a moment, she teetered, almost high, almost drunk on it all as she leaned in, blowing her hot breath on the back of Kennedy's neck, as the Slayer began to struggle more violently against her stronger than ever grasp, before stopping cold at her cool whisper of; "Ciao, Amore."

Stepping back, she slipped one finger underneath the knot of the blindfold, undoing it and letting it fall to the floor, as they both stared at her reflection.

Kennedy's eyes scanned the bustling casino, looking for any sign of the others. Where could everyone be? She mumbled quietly to herself as she stood there with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. They should know they can't hide. They should know---

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt something slip over her eyes. Her hands were jerked roughly behind her back, leaving her no escape. She struggled briefly as she was led away from the casino. She might not be able to see, but her hearing was sharp. The noises growing fainter and fainter as her captor guided her to an unknown destination.

An elevator. Kennedy tried to count the number of dings as it passed each floor. She tried to breathe the scent of the person in, to see if anything smelled familiar. Nothing. It was a new smell, something she didn't recognize. Something expensive. Her brow wrinkled beneath the scratchy material as she tried to figure it out. Nothing.

A door opened and Kennedy was brought inside, the person's body pressing up against her tightly and the hot breath on her neck brought chills to the Slayer. She began to struggle violently, her determination to break free reaching new levels. Suddenly, she felt a finger slip under the garment obstructing her vision and it lifted and fell.

"Ciao, Amore." Her eyes blinked, taking in the reflection in the mirror. Her mouth went dry and her body tensed as she realized who it was. "Bella." She whispered, her heart beating loudly in her chest. Then her surprise turned to anger as she spun around to face her captor. "I can think of a lot better ways if you want to get my attention. What's with the kidnapping?" Kennedy's dark eyes scanned over the blonde and a confused look came to her face. "And what's with the make over? You know what? I don't even wanna know. I have places I need to be. So if you don't mind..." She started to push by her, slowly as if wanting to stay.

Isabella watched Kennedy's reaction, drunk on it, dizzy on her own sudden power in this situation. It was exactly what she wanted. Or at least something like it. The slow blinking of the other Slayer's eyes, the revelation of just who it was that she stood alone in this suite with. Isabella's eyes glittered darkly in the surface of the mirror as she drank it all in like a champagne that you only took a few sips of, but went to your head way too fast.

"Bella." Isabella closed her eyes at the whisper, breathing in deeply, and holding it, before she'd let it go. The intoxication of that word, that name, from those lips, and she was almost flying. Standing on a rooftop, ready to soar.

"I can think of a lot better ways if you want to get my attention.""

Her eyes flew open, and she stumbled backwards, pressing her back against the nearest wall as she stared at Kennedy in confusion..

"Don't you get it yet?" Isabella practically spat. "I want more than your 'attention.'" She shook her head angrily, her chest heaving against the tightness of the strapless corset. "Besides, I already know how to get that." She said, bitterly.

"What's with the kidnapping?"

"What? Would you have just agreed to talk to me?" Isabella asked, crossing her arms across her chest, raising any eyebrow at Kennedy. "Besides, I didn't want to risk running into him." She referred to Cain like she would refer to the remnants of toxic waste found in an empty barrel. "He would have never let you talk you me." "And what's with the make over? You know what? I don't even wanna know. I have places I need to be. So if you don't mind..."

Isabella faltered, looking down at her ornately shoed feet. She hated the make over? And she wanted to leave? This wasn't supposed to be what was happening here. The power was shifting so suddenly, right back into her hands. And yet... Kennedy drifted, slowly, almost like she would stay if the blonde Slayer asked her.

"I do mind, Kennedy. You break my heart, you ruin my life, you take my innocence, and then you just... tell me that everything we had together was a lie and you don't even love me, and you used me?"

She shook her head, sobered by reliving just what Kennedy had done to her.

"You can leave, Kennedy." Isabella said, softly. "But I want you to kill me first." She said, producing a dagger from the rosary she had tied around my thigh like a garter belt, and handed it to her.

"Take what's left of me, since you already have all of me."

Kennedy's lips curled into a smirk as the other Slayer mentioned the methods of how to get the darker girl's attention. She bit her lip to refrain from a sarcastic comment. It wasn't the time for it, and honestly Kennedy didn't have it in her. But still it was there. The sarcasm, the walls. They were her defenses. To keep her from getting too close. To keep Isabella at arm's length.

"What? Would you have just agreed to talk to me?" Lowering her head, the dark haired Slayer stayed silent, not wanting to really answer the question. Only upon mention of her boss did she look up, breaking the silence. "Guess there's really no point to me answering since you seem to be asking and answering your own questions." Again, she rolled her eyes, continuing to move towards the door.

"I do mind, Kennedy. You break my heart, you ruin my life, you take my innocence, and then you just... tell me that everything we had together was a lie and you don't even love me, and you used me?"

All this was becoming too much on Kennedy. The wounds were still fresh, the feelings still raw. Not to mention the battle that lie before her. She didn't want to deal with any of this right now. Or ever. She knew she'd done wrong by lying to Isabella about her feelings, but it was what she had to do. What he'd forced her to do. No it was my decision. All mine. She thought to herself. "Don't pin that on me. Nobody forced you." Kennedy shook her head, clenching her jaw as she felt herself getting angry.

She watched as the other girl pulled out a dagger from beneath her dress, begging for the more experienced Slayer to end her life. This enraged Kennedy, upset her and confused her all at once. She rushed at the blonde, knocking the knife from her hand and pinning her against the wall, holding both hands above her head. Rage filled her eyes as angry tears threatened to spill over.

"Stop it! Okay? Just stop it! I'm not going to kill you. You need to just stop Bella. You don't get it. I made the choice I had to make for something bigger than both you and me. You'll never understand it. You'll never accept it. So, for the sake of both of our sanity, why don't you just let it go? Let me go." You know that's not what you want Kennedy. Stop lying to her. Stop lying to yourself.

"Don't pin that on me. No one forced you."

Isabella's eyes widened, shocked that Kennedy could even stand there, and say that, knowing what she had done to her. Then slowly, her eyes narrowed, and she reached forward, slapping Kennedy hard across the face, snapping her wrist just as her hand made contact.

"You might as well have." She all but screamed. "Because I would have never touched you, if I didn't think you loved me. If you didn't lie to me, and make me believe that." She bit her lip slightly. "You knew I was innocent."

After she had pulled the dagger, she had seen the hybrid look of chaos in Kennedy's eyes before the knife was pulled from her hand and thrown, and she was shoved up against the wall, and pinned, Kennedy's face as close to hers as it had been as all their might have beens, before their relationship hit high voltage.

"Stop it! Okay? Just stop it! I'm not going to kill you. You need to just stop Bella. You don't get it. I made the choice I had to make for something bigger than both you and me. You'll never understand it. You'll never accept it. So, for the sake of both of our sanity, why don't you just let it go? Let me go."

Isabella looked at Kennedy as though she had finally learned, and accepted the truth that the other Slayer really never had loved her, and never would. And that everything between them was a lie, and a mistake. She wrangled her hands free and pushed Kennedy off, swiping everything off of a dresser with one hand, and pushing Kennedy back against it with the other. Grabbing a fistful of the other Slayer's shirt, she held her there, as she brought her foot up, resting the arch against the edge of the dresser as she unwound the rosary from
her thigh slipping it off.

Pulling Kennedy forward by her shirt, she slipped the rosary over her brown hair, letting it fall around her neck.

"I'll let you go, Kennedy." She said, stepping back, her hands shaking, as she picked up the Sapphire & Tonic she'd had up there earlier, and calmly drank the remnants, then without warning, threw it as hard as she could at the mirror just behind Kennedy's head,
shattering it.

"But I won't be the only one with a cross to bear."

The slap took Kennedy by surprise. She furrowed her brow and bit the inside of her jaw, narrowing her eyes as she glared coldly at the other girl. A mixture of emotions coursing through her. Anger, Love, Confusion, Hurt, Rage. All rolled up into one not so neat package. These emotions were bouncing off each other in chaotic levels. Making the Slayer's reactions unpredictable. Feral.

"I never lied!" Kennedy screamed through clenched teeth. "When you asked me I told you! How is that lying?"

Before Kennedy could react, Isabella had wrangled free and slammed her into the dresser roughly. Wincing slightly as the wood connected hard with her back, the Slayer shook it off, thankful that her strength didn't allow much time for pain.

"Are you done?" The brunette spat out as she looked down at the other girl's hand firmly clutching her shirt. She watched as Isabella brought her leg up, pulling the rosary off and pushing it over Kennedy's head. She didn't even struggle to break free from the tight grasp.

"I'll let you go, Kennedy. But I won't be the only one with a cross to bear."

She leaned there, against the dresser as the blonde took a drink from the glass, unsure how to react to what had just conspired. She was trying to remain calm, to not resort to the violence that was threatening to spill out. Kennedy was trying to refrain because she knew this was her fault. She'd been the driving force behind this transformation. All with one lie. One stupid lie.

Kennedy ducked as the glass sailed by her head, shattering against the mirror behind her. A shard of glass ricocheted, catching the dark haired Slayer across the cheek, leaving a thin line of blood before it started dripping down her face. That was it. She couldn't take this anymore. She rushed at Isabella, shoving her against the wall and pressing her lips against the blonde's kissing her hard.

Isabella shrank slightly as Kennedy screamed. When she'd started this game of cat and mouse, she'd had every intention of pushing the other girl's buttons and seeing how far she could push her, before the brunette Slayer's tenuous patience would be broken.

But she didn't expect it to be so soon, or for this fireworks display between them.

It almost made her sorry, but now, now that they were past the point of no return, and this is where their paths had led them, there could be no regret, no sorrow. Just the bitter taste of truth as they drank up, until there was nothing left but a thin sediment of the sweetness of who they had been.

"I never lied! When you asked me I told you! How is that lying?"

"You lived a lie!" Isabella screamed back, in protestation of the innocence Kennedy was trying to claim. She would have to kill her, before she'd let her have that. The innocence. "You made me believe you were something that you weren't, and that you felt things that you never did. You never loved me! You just wanted me, and made me believe whatever you had to."

"Are you done?"

"Almost." Isabella said, reaching for the dagger again. "You started this, Kennedy. You're going to finish it."

Isabella's hand never reached the dagger, as she was seized by Kennedy. Her eyes trailed the thin red line of blood the shard of ricocheted mirror had caused just as she was shoved hard against the wall, as Kennedy kissed her until she couldn't breathe. And breathlessly, she returned it, trying to imprint herself into Kennedy, thinking, blindly, that one last kiss might do what everything else hadn't.

But she began to realize that the kiss, was just a kiss, and at the end of it, Kennedy was going to walk out of this room, and leave her, alone. Alone with a broken mirror, a wrinkled dress, and nothing else to show for what she had given her soul for.

Sucking Kennedy's tongue into her mouth, she placed both hands on the back of her brunette hand and bit down on her tongue.

Slipping away, she picked up the dagger again, pressing the point of it as though she were about to plunge it into her own heart.

"Someday, you will ache like I ache."

As she felt the kiss being returned, Kennedy deepened it ever so slightly, the intensity between them melting into their sudden intimacy. Everything dissolved around them. There was no anger. No chaos. No bitterness. Just them. And the kiss.

Until Kennedy felt the hands on the back of her head and her own hands reaching for Isabella's waist. What was thought to be an act of affection suddenly became achingly violent as she felt the teeth clamp down on her tongue.

She pulled away, looking at the other Slayer in confusion and anger. Her jaw clenched firmly as she stared at the blonde in disbelief. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's full of deception." She seethed, her tongue throbbing from the bite.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw Isabella once again reach for the dagger, pressing it against her own chest. "Someday, you will ache like I ache." With all the speed of her Slayer power, Kennedy grabbed the dagger out of the girl's hand and pushed her down hard onto the floor. Her eyes fell upon the blonde with one last look of undetermined emotion before shaking her head and turning to walk out of the room.

Slamming the door behind her, Kennedy tucked the dagger away into her boot. Her hand reached up, wiping away some of the blood that had finally spilled out of the slice and was covering the left side of her cheek.. She looked at the door, whispering softly before turning and walking away. "Looks like that someday is now."
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