Apr 26, 2009 22:44
I believe this farce has gone on long enough, Ethan. If it won't stop of its own accord, you need to end this. Now.
[Private to Ralphie]
Ralph, I was under the impression we were supposed to meet today... Are you alright? No wild bedsheets attacking you, I hope?
mystical energies,
Feb 09, 2009 17:22
What the hell was I thinking with these clothes? They look like bloody rejects from Oxfam.
Ethan, mate, I was thinking, everything's been a little too dull lately, you know what I'm saying? Let's liven it up a bit...
Anya, you don't happen to have anything left from the shop, do you? Herbs and that stuff?
Jesus, I need a smoke.
mystical energies,
hello ripper,
opposites flood,