Wow, I have not updated this in ages... Mainly cos I'm busy - which is unusual enough in itself - but also because I'm going apeshit with FEAR about going to Cambridge in two weeks. I can't believe it - two weeks. I still haven't got round to reading that tonne of paper than my college has sent me but just flipping through it I can feel my brain
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That's something I would check - do have a look through the stuff they've sent you to find any dates/times of things you've got to go to. I didn't do that until I got here so I ended up staying up trying to find it all. Also then you can come across as organised for the first few days.
Stop worrying! It's all going to be fabulous. I'll send you a long email about what I've been doing later. Now I've got to go and sort out which modules I want to sign up for.
Are any of the people you met going to be in your college? Or doing medicine? Apparently here the first thing they do is the disections. Sounds horrifying. I've met quite a few medics.
University is fabulous, but I haven't actually started lectures yet (Monday!), so I've not had to so any work yet.
I was really disappointed, the Quidditch Team didn't have a stall at the activities fair! But then someone said maybe they were at the sports fair (which I didn't go to, because well. Sport.) and they may have been right. I have no idea what they even do. Have yet to meet any random HP-ers. At least anyone with a more than usual interest in it.
Yeah I met this girls who's at my college doing medicine and we've actually spoken before for quite a bit as well! So at least I'll know someone!
What's your accommadation like? My room is in this really ugly building that looks like a prison. Are you getting to know people really fast cos you live together?
A wash bag (a necessity unless you have en-suite)
a bag to put dirty clothes in
a biscuit tin (preferably also with biscuits)
some formalwear
an alarm clock!
an umbrella
a diary to write down everything you have to do.
I'd recommend checking through all the stuff you've been sent to find out when you have to go to introductory meetings, registration, etc. I don't know how it works at Cambridge, but we had lots of stuff like that. Also, I emailed myself a list of my internet bookmarks so I'd be able to find them, but then I don't have my own computer here so you might not need to do that.
God, the fire alarm went off at 4 this morning, and today I had a 9am lecture. I am exhausted. It was a false alarm, but two fire engines came. Apparently it came from our corridor, and they checked all our rooms, but we have no idea what it was. Not a fire. And no one set it off on purpose.
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