Sakura - Eighth Dream

Aug 18, 2009 19:42

It's the middle of the night, but she bolts upright in bed, gasping for breath... and then her breathing slows. Phew, just a nightmare. It's all right. So, Sakura lies back down again, feeling kind of foolish... and just before she closes her eyes, she looks at the hamster cage on the table in her room.

It's empty.


She sits up again, looking around uncomfortably. "...where'd it go?"


It's coming from behind her - Sakura spins around, but there's nothing there. She can hear rustling of small, furry bodies around the furniture in her room, but she can't see anything in the dark.

Squeak. Squeaksqueak.

It isn't just one, either. And now, Sakura realizes with horror, the squeaking is coming from right beneath her bed. So with a yelp, she scrambles out of bed, thankful that she wears such loose pajamas... only to see dozens of pairs of tiny little eyes glinting in the moonlight.

An entire pack of deadly poisonous Zanzibar Hamsters has come for her.



A-ah! *This would be Sakura actually sitting up in bed with a gasp. ...and realizing it was a nightmare. .......and checking under her bed.*

killer hamsters run, hamsters, zanzibar land what?, snake, dream, ic, dammit snake

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