warning: using lots of the effin word here.
you should've stuck to more of that mary jane to cool off your extremists thoughts. fuck you and your attempt at whatever it was you were trying to do. and haha, you refuse to talk to investigators? afraid to self-incriminate? wtf dude you go and have a killing spree and won't admit it? haha, fucker. fuck i don't know. but you fuckin' kill a 9-year-old. A 9 YEAR-OLD. mother fucker. a nine year old who was interested in what this woman had to say, an innocent bystander, someone who had years ahead of her to dream and become someone. fucking dickbag.
you know what, i hope you live a nice long life with the other inmates in whatever prison you go. uh-uh, death's too easy for a shit bag like you.
okay, yes, things happen like this all around the world but let's just say this latest incident just triggered the ranty side of me. i don't understand killing someone to get your point across. higher authorities have used it for discipline, to make other people fear them. gangsters/extremists groups do this also. i believe that killing someone can be justified but that's a fuzzy grey area for me. but for a person to decide to kill someone because he wants change in the government, you don't go and effin' kill someone. you don't change problems like that. all you're doing is acting like a whiny spoiled brat who sits on his cushioned self-made pedestal complaining about shit. no, instead of deciding to become a "hero", go and get yourself more educated in how the government works. be active in the community. talk to people instead of stewing alone in that stupid place you call your brain. what the fuck dude.