Fanfiction: Bound Together (Zanki Zero, Haruto/Ryo, OT7)

Jul 08, 2022 11:31

I've had the opening and ending scenes of this fic lying around for ages (I've posted them both to this journal previously, in fact, so I apologise if you've seen them before), and it finally occurred to me to try tying them together into a single fic!

(I've only just caught how I phrased that. 'Tying them together' was genuinely not intended as a bondage reference.)

I'm glad I finally managed to write something for the OT7. This isn't very heavy on the OT7 (it's logistically difficult to write a sevensome!), but there wasn't previously any Zanki Zero OT7 fanfiction on AO3 at all; I had to do something!

Title: Bound Together
Fandom: Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
Rating: light R
Relationships: Haruto/Ryo, Haruto/Ryo/Minamo/Zen/Rinko/Yuma/Mamoru
Wordcount: 1,200
Summary: When Ryo is tying Haruto up, the others stumble across it. Things get weird.

“Okay, look,” Ryo says. “Look.” He pauses. “Look.”

Haruto glances around. “Er, what am I supposed to be looking at?”

“Look,” Ryo says.

“If you don’t want to do it-”

“No, I’m doing it,” Ryo says, instantly. “You want to be tied up? I am all over that. I’m just thinking... how to get started.”

Haruto just looks at him, waiting for more.

“You know!” Ryo snaps. “Like, how to start binding you, what to use - you can’t rush art, Haruto!”

“You’re holding a rope,” Haruto says. “Wouldn’t that work?”

“Okay, look,” Ryo says.

There’s a pause.

“So we’ve got all these tentacles,” Ryo says.

Haruto’s heart sort of stutters. He was prepared for something new; he’s not sure he was prepared for this. “You want to tie me up with your Clione?”

“Look, we have tentacles,” Ryo says. “It’s driving me crazy that we’re not getting to use them. Have you ever met a bondage artist who didn’t dream of tying people up with his own tentacles?”

“I think you’re probably the only bondage artist I’ve met,” Haruto says, taking a step or two back. He’s not afraid of Ryo, but he’s a little afraid of this idea.


“Maybe just the rope,” Haruto says. “For my first time.”

Ryo sighs. “Fine,” he says, with undisguised sorrow. Haruto, for an instant, almost feels guilty for choosing the rope over the unstable, potentially murderous tentacle parasite.

There’s a pause, and then Ryo breaks into a grin. “This is still gonna be great.”

“O-oh, wow, is that Haruto?”

It’s Rinko’s voice. Haruto tenses up.

“Hey, calm down,” Ryo says, gentle and soothing, knotting the rope around his thigh. “You’re in safe hands.”

“We should have done this in the hotel,” Haruto mutters.

Ryo shrugs, straightens back up. “It’s just the others. They see us without any clothes on every time they Extend us. They’ve seen our messed-up pasts. Zen once shoved a tentacle down my throat to fix me when I was paralysed. I’m kind of past embarrassment, y’know?”

He might have a point. But it still feels weird. Being tied up is already something new and strange and vulnerable; being seen adds another layer of intimacy.

Haruto flexes his fingers restlessly in the sand; he can’t really move much more than that.

Minamo comes into view. Haruto’s not wearing his glasses and he’s looking up at her from an awkward angle, but she’s pretty clearly scrutinising him closely, in a way that makes his entire body heat up slightly. “You talked him into gettin’ tied up, huh?”

“Believe it or not, he actually asked me for this,” Ryo says. “He looks great, right?”

“Indeed,” Mamoru says, from somewhere out of sight. “An impressive display of love.”

“Is everyone here?” Haruto asks.

“Pretty sure Sachika’s still resting,” Ryo says, which still leaves up to five unplanned witnesses to Haruto’s first bondage experience. At least there aren’t tentacles involved.

Zen strolls up beside Minamo, hands in his pockets. “Would’ve thought you’d make him take his clothes off.”

“I thought he’d be more comfortable with them on,” Ryo says. “First time and all. Why, you disappointed?”

“I am disappointed.” Yuma’s voice, firm and disconcerting. “This is not an uninteresting sight, but it could be more notable.”

“I mean, I’d have to untie him to get his clothes off,” Ryo says. “It’s kind of a waste. But I’m up for it if everyone else is.”

“You’re not going to-” Rinko begins, sounding scandalised, and then she hesitates. “Well, it... might be interesting. I’ve never watched bondage before.”

“Do I get a voice in what happens?” Haruto asks, cautiously.

“Yeah, man, of course,” Ryo says. “You want me to untie you? I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty proud of my work here, but, y’know, bondage pieces don’t last forever.”

“Just to untie me?” Haruto asks. “Or to untie me, strip me and tie me up again?”

Ryo cocks his head to one side. “Why are you asking me? I thought you were just saying you wanted to get to decide.”

Haruto hesitates. Maybe it would be simplest to let someone else decide how this plays out. He’s not sure what he wants right now, exactly.

He guesses he kind of put himself in Ryo’s hands already, letting himself be tied up. He might not be ready to take himself back yet.

“Maybe... just untie me for now, and-” He wouldn’t know how to articulate what’s going on in his head right now under normal circumstances, let alone lying on the beach in front of his friends with his wrists bound to his ankles. “And we can - we can figure things out.”

“Sure.” Ryo lingers for just a moment longer, looking at him, and then crouches and gets to work undoing knots. Not cutting anything; he’s careful to preserve the rope. Maybe hoping to use it on one of the others, and that’s a strange thought; it’s somehow more intimate than Haruto’s prepared for, even in this situation.

“Do you ever sleep with your models?” Haruto asks.

Ryo pauses in the midst of untying him, eyebrows raised. “That is a really interesting question to ask right now.”

“I don’t really know why I’m asking,” Haruto says. “I just... I think I want to understand this.” He’s not sure what he means by this, exactly.

There’s another long pause. Ryo starts unknotting the rope again, but he seems to be moving distantly, somehow.

“Not really?” Ryo says, at last. “Or... if I am sleeping with one of my models, it’s normally ’cause we’re together before the ropes come out.” A pause. “I’m open to it?”

“Are you guys flirtin’ in front of all of us?” Minamo asks. “You want some privacy?”

Ryo’s so close to him, his features sharp and clear even with Haruto’s glasses back in his hotel room. Haruto feels like he can’t think clearly, like his head’s filling up with television static.

He’s not sure which of them moves to kiss the other; he just knows that they’re kissing. He tries to move to touch Ryo, his hair or his shoulder, but his hands are still bound together behind him and he doesn’t get very far.

“Uh,” Minamo says. “Iiiiiis that a yes?”

“Sorry,” Haruto says, breaking away, breathless. “You can stay. If you want.” Wait, what is he saying? “I mean, you don’t have to. I-”

Ryo’s started to laugh. There’s something a little helpless and nervous about it. “What’s happening?”

“I’d like it,” Haruto says. “If you guys stayed.”

“I’ve never really... known anyone this intimately,” Haruto admits, absently rubbing at the marks the rope left on his wrist. “I spent so much of my time working. I didn’t really have friends. And then I met you guys, and... well, you all learnt my worst secret pretty much straight away, and you didn’t judge me for it. I guess it’d be hard not to feel close to you.”

“Tried my best to make it easier,” Zen says. “But somehow all you assholes managed to get close to me anyway.”

“Yeah, but there’s a line, right?” Minamo asks. She gets up and pulls on her jacket; now that things are cooling down, she seems to be getting selfconscious, even though it’s not like she’s any more nude than anyone else. “Like, yeah, everyone’s got people they feel close to, but there’s different... categories.”

“Categories of what?” Haruto asks.

“Look, what I’m sayin’ is most people don’t end up in bed with all their adult friends.”

“Considering the current global population,” Yuma says, “I think the overwhelming evidence is that most people do.”

fanfiction, zanki zero, fanfiction (really this time)

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