Same Time Next Week?

May 01, 2022 22:31

I'm rewatching How to Get Away with Murder, and I like the characters more than I remembered! What a great bunch of murder kids.

There's a scene in episode two where the middle-aged client goes 'okay, this is how I'm accused of killing my wife,' pushes law student Connor onto the blood-covered bed where the wife died, gets up close like he's about to kiss him, then straddles him and mimes stabbing him repeatedly. It's extremely fucked-up and incredible and I can't believe I forgot about it.

I really like Laurel, but Frank/Laurel is terrible. It's weird that I'm far more in favour of Wes/Laurel, which is as cute and healthy as any ship is capable of being in this show, than I am of Frank/Laurel, which, on the surface, is the sort of awful problematic ship I might like. But Frank is boring and they don't have any chemistry!

Episode eight is just incredibly done. There's the 'oh, shit' moment of Asher mentioning the bonfire is tomorrow night, and then the end of the episode ramps up the tension so intensely as we watch all the pieces fall into the positions we know they were in just before the murder. The show's entire structure pays off immensely in that one episode.

I cracked up at Connor going 'This night just gets better and better' when it's not even half as bad as it's going to get for these kids.

I love the different reactions the kids have after the murder, while they're trying to process what happened and cover it up. Laurel and Wes retreat into focused practicality. Michaela freezes up and shuts down. Connor, absolutely flipping out, cracks constant terrible jokes and bursts out in inappropriate laughter. It's all great.

At points, Connor actually reminds me a little of Marco from Animorphs, who's only able to cope with the absolute horrorshow of his own life by not taking anything seriously.

I might just rewatch the first season, because the main appeal (for me, at least) is 'normal kids trying to cope with insane bullshit they absolutely cannot handle'. New insane bullshit comes along in later seasons (or at least in season two; I don't think I've seen beyond that), but once the characters are old hands at insane bullshit it's not as fun.

That said, I seem to recall the kids discussing the possibility of having an orgy in season two; I'd be sorry to miss that conversation! Maybe I'll watch up to that point and see if I'm still engaged enough to carry on.

(There is a shocking lack of foursome fanfiction for these characters who committed a murder together and then canonically talked about having an orgy. There are four works on AO3 tagged with Wes/Laurel/Connor/Michaela! Four! Out of over two thousand for the fandom as a whole! Absolutely unacceptable.)

how to get away with murder, animorphs, someone should probably write that

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