We've Learnt A Bit About You.

Feb 04, 2022 10:15

(There are still issues with crossposting to Livejournal, so I'll be manually crossposting for the foreseeable future. I recommend keeping up with me on Dreamwidth if you can; the comments are livelier there and it doesn't have adverts!)

RD sent me this Taskmaster fanvid and I could not process any of it, including the parts I'd seen before. Why is this light entertainment game show so kinky??? I'm not complaining, necessarily, but I'm very confused.

More notes on Taskmaster! We've just finished series seven.

I love that, in one of the series 12 outtakes, Victoria made good on her 'if you can score that goal, I'll give you £100' bet. I thought she probably would; if you're a professional poker player, I imagine you take your wagers seriously!

Greg Davies stands up so rarely on the show that I can never get used to how vast he is.

Sally Phillips is one of my favourite contestants. Just having the time of her life. (There's a great outtake for her chaotic flirting.)

I absolutely swooned at Greg's 'This isn't the first time Sally has intimated that she'd like more sex in her life, and I think it's time we stopped talking about it and did something about it.' It was very embarrassing.

(I just rewatched this bit, and I HAD NOT CAUGHT that, after her 'wonderful, thank you so much, my work here is done', Sally points at Greg, Alex and all the other contestants and says, 'I'll see you all backstage.')

I love how clear it is that this clip of the Alex-and-Greg kiss in series six was edited by a fandom person, because ONLY A FANDOM PERSON would keep the part where the discussion has moved on but Greg keeps touching his lips.

James Acaster aggressively ignoring Alex's greetings is both hilarious and a little heartbreaking. I love that Alex asked him about it, too!

Rhod Gilbert's attempt at the 'excite Alex' task was extremely frightening.

The exchange at the end of that task is one of my favourite moments on Taskmaster. Having stripped Alex, tied him up, funnelled coffee into his mouth and then poured it all over his face, Rhod, outraged that the experience barely raised Alex's heart rate at all, comments, 'I think we've learnt a lot more about you than we have about me here.' Alex looks down at himself, looks up at Rhod and says, 'We've learnt a bit about you,' and it is the most calmly scathing thing anyone has ever said.

Series seven has a very weird energy to it! It feels very angry, somehow. But it's a lot of fun.

'What if we fall off the stage?' 'You don't have to walk while blindfolded; I think you'll be okay' is the most masterful bit of foreshadowing ever committed to film. I love that Greg instantly ran over to help Jess up and asked whether she was all right afterwards.

RHOD FILMING GREG SLEEPING. I can't believe he hid in Greg's wardrobe for hours. And I didn't clock this until I saw someone else commenting on it, but James clearly wants to ask 'what if Greg had started having a wank while you were hiding in there?' and can't quite bring himself to, and he's got a point! (Honestly, given Rhod's performance across the series, he might have filmed it and submitted the footage anyway.)

Rhod's determination to strip and/or bind Alex at every opportunity is incredible. I can't believe he even stripped Alex in the 'follow the trail of clues' task.

'It's always scary when you leave Rhod till last,' Kerry says, correctly.

Series seven is the first one where I've felt like there's a villain, or at least an enemy to everyone else present. There've been series where everyone was competing very hard against everyone else, but I feel like in this series it's just everyone against Rhod.

'I just wanted to beat Alex up in as many ways as possible.'
'Well, we all want that.'

'Tie yourself up as securely as possible' combined with the boiler suit siren was incredible. This entire show is incredible.

Finally, here is perhaps the best exchange I've ever heard in an interview (source):

Russell Howard: So, if the world came to an end, what would be your biggest regret?
Greg Davies: Every winter, when it first goes cold, I pull a muscle in my left shoulder, and I'm reminded of the fact that when I was thirteen I tried to suck my own cock.

british comedians, victoria coren, taskmaster, video

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