A Horde Of Ogres, That's A Lot.

Oct 18, 2021 11:23

Tem visited earlier than anticipated, which means we were able to make more progress in Life Is Strange: True Colors! I think we've almost finished episode three; we've just played through the scene in Charlotte's studio.

I've heard most of the third chapter is the LARP, which I'm a bit dubious about. I'm interested in these characters, not the characters they're going to be playing!

If I'm lucky, though, perhaps I'll be able to flirt in-character with Ryan, leaving him confused about whether there's any real intent behind it. That could be fun. Fingers crossed.


This LARP is fun, though! The whole thing is endearingly awkward, and I love how into it everyone is. Particularly the blacksmith who's so dedicated that even his thoughts are in-character.

I laughed aloud when I read Steph's mind and found her seething about the fact that I'd said Ryan was hotter. 'Alex is allowed to think Ryan is hot. I need to get over it.' Sorry, Steph!

Also laughed aloud at her 'seduce Diane' plan and 'maybe Diane and I hook up anyway, not important'. Steph's great. I'm definitely going to have to replay to romance her at some point.

I did have the opportunity to flirt with Steph in-character, which was very tempting, but I resisted; I don't want to lead her on!

Oh, hey, I did get to call Ryan cute when he was being a snake! (Alex said the snake was cute and 'not goofy at all', and Ryan mouthed 'thanks', and he must have realised that she'd heard him internally worrying that he wasn't hot when he was being goofy. Must be very weird and slightly frightening to know the friend you're interested in can hear when you have that sort of anxiety.)

I love that Ryan and Steph are both really into Alex, and I'm headcanoning that they have exactly the same taste in girls and are forced into competition whenever someone they find interesting comes to town. (Steph always wins. Ryan's sort of resigned to it by this point.) I sort of wish you could romance them both in a single playthrough, but as far as I know it can't be done.

Tem and Rei continue to protest over my pursuit of Ryan rather than Steph. Rei's strategy is slightly less effective than Tem's 'think of how much Ryan will suffer if you romance Steph instead' approach:

Rei: Their chemistry isn't as good! Alex won't be as happy with him!
Riona: Good!

You've known me for twenty years, Rei; you should know by this point that making characters happy is not my main shipping priority.

Somehow, Life Is Strange still manages to be stressful even in this game-within-a-game. I continue to overthink every single decision.

I love everything shifting to the fantasy world that Ethan sees, and I was delighted by the Final Fantasy menu sound effects in the final battle.

Can't believe the Trauma Sirens went off straight after our victory. You could let the kid be happy for five seconds, game. He'll treasure that sword for the rest of his life, though.

Having finished the LARP, I can conclude that I was entirely wrong to be dubious about it! The whole thing was extremely cute and fun.

Oh, wow, that scene in Charlotte's studio was intense. I wasn't expecting the game to be bold enough to explore her blaming her son. But at least I wasn't torn over the choice that scene presented. It didn't feel good to leave her like that, but you can't surgically remove someone's anger; that's fucked up!

(It'd probably be interesting, but for my first playthrough I'm trying to make the decisions I feel are right, rather than the ones I'm most curious about.)

I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard True Colors was being made by Deck Nine instead of Dontnod, but I'm having a great time so far! (A great and extremely stressful time, as is traditional with Life Is Strange games.) Looking forward to finishing episode three and seeing what developments and regrets lie beyond.

conversational adventures, life is strange, rei is prince of cats

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