I'm Not A Furry; I'm Furry-Adjacent.

Mar 17, 2021 19:29

(Dreamwidth is having trouble crossposting right now, it seems, so here's a manual crosspost!)

Some thoughts on replaying the first episode of Umineko: When They Cry! This entry discusses the episode in the context of later revelations and therefore contains full Umineko spoilers.

Oh, Maria's rose disappeared because Gohda used the petals to decorate the panna cotta!

I keep trying to work out what's 'really' happening and then getting annoyed with myself because that's not the point; did I learn nothing the first time?

I couldn't remember why I'd been so keen to reread this during the lengthy setup, and then I hit the point where six people get murdered and Battler has a desperate screaming breakdown and I went, 'Oh, that's why.'

There's that scene where Maria, Genji, Kumasawa and Kanon are all acting like they can see Beatrice behind Battler, and 'the culprit wants us to believe a witch exists; therefore, if anyone claims to be seeing an invisible witch, either the witch is real or they're in on it' just never occurred to me.

Battler... had his back against the wall of the hallway... and was covering his eyes with his right hand and weeping without restraint...

I still love that Battler is not at all a stoic, manly guy and he cries his eyes out when tragedy strikes. I think that was the first thing that made me realise I could really warm to this character in spite of his 'this is Battler, he loves tits' introduction, and warm to him I absolutely did.

There's an element of 'wait, I have my suspicions about who's telling this story' in the fact that Shannon and Kanon's deaths are particularly dramatically dwelt on.

Beatrice has revived as a witch, and exists in this mansion even now. Genji had said this, had believed it... had made people believe it... and would follow through with that decision to the grave. This might have been the last service he could offer up to his master.

Battler speculating on whether Genji made the choice to believe that Beatrice's spirit existed in the mansion, as a service to his master, and yet still absolutely believed it, is really interesting in the light of the rest of the series. It's probably the first explicit appearance of what I would consider Umineko's most central theme: we have the power to create our own reality.

Natsuhi's so great. So ruthlessly determined to protect. I mean, she's not the best of people, but 'she's hard on the servants and once threw a baby off a cliff' is pretty mild, as Umineko characters go.

It's weird to go back to the first episode, where there's very little magic and we don't have the meta storyline going on. I can't wait for Beatrice to show up and start being terrible.

I was just scrolling through my unposted entry draft to see if I had anything to conclude this entry with, and I stumbled across two contextless, unrelated exchanges about furries:

Rei: I wonder if there are furries in the His Dark Materials universe.
Riona: I wonder if they draw themselves with human daemons.

RD: Write a Life Is Strange 2/CATS crossover.
Riona: The entire plot would be 'Sean goes on the Internet to complain that the cats aren't hot enough'.

So that's what you're getting, I guess.

rd is amazing, conversational adventures, when they cry, his dark materials, life is strange, rei is prince of cats

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