So You Think You're One Of The Necessary Ones?

Jul 19, 2020 14:24

I am still having adventures in Silent Hill 3! Horrible, horrible adventures.

Heather, if you don't want to carry a plastic bag full of blood around, have you considered not filling a plastic bag with blood for no reason?

Heather encountered Vincent in her motel room, and of course I instantly found myself battling unfortunate fic ideas. I wouldn't say I ship Heather/Vincent at all, but I find their interactions interesting and I'm tempted to try to explore their dynamic. Because this is Silent Hill, though, and Vincent comes across as extremely self-serving and manipulative, I imagine any effort to explore it would turn out hideously.

This whole game is fairly confusing, and I feel there's a good chance I'll end up too bewildered to attempt to write anything, which, I'll be honest, may be for the best.

Are you... are you not going to ask how Vincent got into your motel room? No? You're just going to accept that this incredibly untrustworthy guy presumably followed you from your hometown to Silent Hill and you just found him in your motel room? Okay.

I don't want to go back to the amusement park! I've already been there in my dreams and it went very badly! I don't want to be run over by a rollercoaster!

'There's a dead body inside this box thing. There's nothing interesting here.' Heather, you're so desensitised.

Douglas pointed his gun at me! I was so startled! You can't do that, Sad Detective; you're the only person in this game I trust!

I found that scene really interesting, actually. Douglas raises his gun to point it at Heather's back, and:

Heather: What are you doing?
Douglas: Maybe killing you here is the only way to end this nightmare.
Heather: Yeah, maybe you're right.

But he doesn't shoot, he lets her leave, and they're still on good terms afterwards. I love this sort of strange, tense interaction, and Silent Hill is a great place to find them.

I'm enjoying Vincent occasionally just showing up to make everything uncomfortable.

Vincent: It's not uncommon for people to worship the same god and still disagree.
Heather: God? Are you sure you don't mean 'devil'?
Vincent: Whichever you like.

I really liked this little exchange. Vincent doesn’t care if Heather calls his god a devil; that's not what's important to him.

Vincent saying, 'I always hated getting all... hot... and sweaty' was a bit odd. The pauses made it seem like a come-on! But the content doesn't make sense as a come-on! 'I'm repelled by the thought of having sex with you,' Vincent says, breathily.

Vincent sort of feels like a slightly off version of Ignis Scientia. I think that’s why it’s really jarring to me every time Vincent speaks; I’m always expecting him to have an RP accent!

silent hill, final fantasy, final fantasy xv

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