You Will Dooby Dooby Do What I Say.

Jul 17, 2020 10:44

I have watched the entirety of Netflix's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and this show is great. Lots of friendship! Lots of focus on the weird, fraught, intimate relationship between two enemies who care way too much about each other!

I love Catra. She's a prickly bundle of issues and she’s relentlessly self-sabotaging and it's incredible. It's great whenever she decides, 'Well, all hope is lost; guess all I can do is put on a smug face and be as obnoxious as possible.' What an absolute disaster of a (cat) person.

Not unrelatedly, Adora/Catra is my favourite ship. I do also think that Adora/Glimmer/Bow could be pretty cute, but Adora and Catra have such a great dynamic! There's so much interesting tension and genuine feeling there! Their emotions about each other are such an awful, complicated mess! I love it.

It'd be good to see more of this sort of intense, messy love-hate relationship between female adversaries in other canons. The only other example I can think of off the top of my head is Kate and Alice in Batwoman.

I may make a more spoilery entry at some point, but for now I thought I’d just jot down these quick notes.

Speaking of weird, fraught, intimate relationships between two enemies who care way too much about each other, I've also started rewatching Phineas and Ferb from the beginning. I'm only a handful of episodes in, but it's still great fun!

I do occasionally feel Candace is being punished for being a teenage girl, though. Poor Candace. If nobody ever believed my claims, even though they were absolutely truthful, because the evidence kept mysteriously disappearing, I'd probably have issues too.

I'm genuinely pleased that Perry/Doofenshmirtz, with nearly five hundred fics in a 1,700-fic fandom on AO3, is by far the most popular Phineas and Ferb pairing. It's good to know that people are still drawn to complicated 'they fight, yes, but they also care about each other and repeatedly save each other's lives and don't know how to function without each other' hero/villain relationships even when the villain is an unattractive middle-aged man and the hero is a platypus.

'Perry the Platypus is objectively the hottest character in Phineas and Ferb,' I said to Rei and Tem yesterday. I regretted saying it before I'd even finished the sentence, but it's true.

conversational adventures, weird pairings, she-ra, first impressions, phineas and ferb, batman

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