Welcome to Devil Time.

Jul 08, 2019 12:22

I distinctly remember seeing an advert for Lucifer on the side of a bus, a year or two ago, and going, 'I know literally nothing about this show other than its name and the smug-looking face of the protagonist on this advert, but I have the strong sense I would love it.' Turns out I was right! I'm glad to be watching it at last.

A few notes on episodes in the early second series:

'Sin-Eater': Lucifer, on being called in to investigate a homicide in which the victim had his crotch set on fire, immediately and gleefully makes as many puns as possible. It's great.

Lucifer: Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.
Decker: Lucifer.
Lucifer: I mean, I've heard of hot pants, but this really brings a new meaning to the term 'fire crotch', doesn't it?
Decker: Lucifer.
Lucifer: Wait, I have more.

There's such a childlike joy to this terrible man.

'Lady Parts': there was a throwaway line about Lucifer not liking cats, and I refuse to accept this. Lucifer would clearly adore cats. I need to write fanfiction in which Lucifer somehow finds himself charged with a cat and reluctantly comes to love it.

The 'girls' night out' scene was pretty incredible. Four recurring female characters in a scene together! And that's not even all the recurring female characters on the show! And then Decker and Maze, two major female characters I'd never expected to interact much, decide to move in together! I'm excited to see how that goes. (Maze is hilarious and I love that her first reaction to any problem is 'can I kill it?')

'Weaponizer': Lucifer very intensely trying out the catchphrase 'Welcome to Devil Time' is one of my favourite moments in the show. Lucifer is an absolute loser and I love him.

I'm getting the frustrating itch where I sort of want to try writing fanfiction for Lucifer, but I don't have any ideas (er, beyond the 'fix-it' fic where the thing I'm fixing is 'Lucifer doesn't like cats') or enough of a grasp of the characters. I feel there's a Lucifer fic I really want to write just out of reach, but I can't see the concept clearly!

A few stray notes on aspects of the show that interest me, while I try to pin down what I'd like to write for it:

- Lucifer can't be harmed or feel pain, except in Decker's vicinity. Could Lucifer ask Decker to hurt him so he can build up his pain resistance?

- Something about Lucifer isn't right. It unsettles Decker sometimes. But she can't work out what it is. Obviously it's not that he's actually the devil; that's ludicrous.

- Lucifer and his mother have a lot of weird sexual tension. I don't think I'm going to write the Lucifer/his mother fic that the fandom has tragically failed to provide. I was going to say 'letting Decker see and react to their dynamic could be fun', but, come to think of it, Lucifer's mother doesn't look old enough to have given birth to Lucifer, so I think Decker would just conclude, 'Okay, so Lucifer has a girlfriend he calls "Mum" and I don't think I want to look too far into this.'

- What is the nature of the relationship between Decker and Lucifer? He's intrigued by her; he values her. Does she consider him a friend? I think she does. A weird, difficult friend who's cheerfully open about the fact that he'd like to sleep with her. But he doesn't want to be her boyfriend, so there isn't serious 'I want our relationship to be this, he wants our relationship to be that' strain. He wants to continue being her weird, difficult friend; he just thinks it'd be fun if they also had sex sometimes.


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