You Screwed Up, But You Know What? It's Okay.

Jul 07, 2019 15:26

I'm up to episode 2.02 of Lucifer, after which I immediately went looking for fanfiction in which Lucifer and his mother bang. Disappointingly, there doesn't seem to be any. Is this a real fandom at all?

Lucifer continues to be a delight. The writers, the actors, whoever's responsible for the hilariously on-the-nose musical choices: everyone involved with that show seems to be having a whale of a time. It's absolutely ridiculous and I love it. Lucifer himself is an extremely fun character: so self-absorbed, so weirdly innocent.

Also, for some reason I can't get enough of this stupid plotline:

Decker: Hmm, there's something strange about my partner.
Lucifer: I have been one hundred percent open with you about the fact that I am literally Satan.
Decker: What could it beeeeee?

'Extremely poorly-kept secrets being dragged on and on and on' can start to wear thin after a while (see Merlin), but it works better when the situation is 'it's not even a secret; it's just so stupid that nobody believes the truth, thus creating a mystery'.

Lucifer has intriguing potential for one of my favourite relationship dynamics: a man and a woman, he's helplessly in love with her, she likes him but doesn't need him nearly as much as he needs her. (I am, to clarify, talking about Lucifer and Decker, rather than Lucifer and his mother.)

Lucifer/Father Frank (from the episode 'A Priest Walks Into a Bar') is also extremely good. I don't often get invested in pairings involving a single-episode character, but Father Frank managed it!

Unrelatedly: haven't had a Man-Spider comic in a while.

He tries so hard.

lucifer, artistic inability, man-spider, does whatever a spider can

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