What's The Word I'm Searching For?

Jan 11, 2019 10:53

Buffy the Vampire Slayer has always seemed like the sort of thing I should have watched; I've seen the musical episode about five times, but almost nothing else. But at last I'm actually getting around to it! Rei's been rewatching the occasional episode in my earshot, and the one that finally made me go 'fine, I'm going to start watching Buffy from the beginning' was one in which Giles was secretly sapping Buffy's powers for some sort of test and felt horrible about it.

Rei came into the room while I was watching the fourth episode.

Rei: Oh, are you watching Buffy now?
Riona: I am! I started watching because I was really interested in Buffy and Giles's relationship, and-
Rei: oh no
Riona: I can't promise I won't end up down that well.

I resumed the episode.

'I think there are too many guys in your life,' Giles said to Buffy.

'I'll be honest: that line feels weird now,' I said.

Rei's apparently following a blogger who feels that Buffy only makes sense if Giles is in love with Buffy. I'm sort of half-watching through that lens now, and it does seem to fit. I blame Rei for bringing it up. (There is, let's be honest, a good chance that I'd have come to this conclusion on my own, but I blame Rei regardless.)

Other observations:

- Everything is so nineties and I love it.

- In appearance, speech and mannerisms, Xander feels like the child of Joey and Chandler from Friends. (Willow feels like Bambi. Her eyes are so big!)

- I spend sixty percent of Angel's screentime going 'I'm not sure I'm feeling the chemistry here' and forty percent going 'ahahaha, you voiced Leon in Kingdom Hearts.' (I am spending one hundred percent of that time being delighted by his constant brooding expression. He's so serious!)

- I cannot believe the plot of episode four was 'sexy teacher is actually a giant mantis in disguise'. I can believe there's an episode with that plot somewhere in Buffy. I can't believe it was so early on. I can't believe, in the first season of Buffy, they went 'okay, brand new show, we have to come up with twelve episode ideas, there are all sorts of supernatural concepts and creatures we could play with; where do we start? Oh, we'd better make sure we have the sexy praying mantis substitute teacher in there somewhere.'

(I always thought it was 'preying mantis' because they preyed on smaller insects! I was convinced! I've only just learnt, in research for this entry, that the spelling is actually 'praying mantis' because they look like they're in prayer. I can't believe I've been so confidently wrong about this for so long.)

conversational adventures, buffy, friends, first impressions, rei is prince of cats

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