Stacy's Mom Has Got It Going On.

Sep 25, 2018 14:33

(I drew this on a napkin and photographed it in poor lighting, so I'm afraid it looks a bit blurry.)

Yuffie, a friend I must have known for close to nineteen years, got married on Saturday! I was overcome with love for my friends when we were dancing to 'Stacy's Mom' after the ceremony, which is nice but does, bizarrely, mean that 'Stacy's Mom' now has deep emotional associations for me.

(I have to respect anyone who's willing to put that song on their wedding playlist. I personally added 'Cotton-Eye Joe' to the playlist, but sadly I had to leave before it came on, so I didn't get to see how people reacted. Still, there's reward in just knowing that you caused 'Cotton-Eye Joe' to happen somehow, somewhere.)

I was the ringbearer, which is apparently a role traditionally given to a nine-year-old boy or an owl (or a hobbit, I suppose). I am none of those things, but I managed not to attack the best man, so I acquitted myself better than some notorious ringbearers.

Rei's father, who I hope is ashamed of himself, made the following contribution to the guestbook:

There was a young lady named Yuffie
Who never was pompous or stuffy.
She got off with Chris
And it's all come to this
And I think that I've wrote quite enoughie.

Overheard during the wedding meal: 'How many times in your life have you thought, "I wish I could shit my pants and get away with it"? The problem is that you can't shit your pants any more without people getting upset about it. Society.'

It was a good day!

We were all asked to create something for the wedding, if we could, so I painted a photograph Yuffie had taken:

('I've really fucked up the left-hand margin,' I said in alarm to Ginger while I was working on this. Ginger's response was 'Fuck up the right-hand margin as well and it'll look intentional.')

It's just as well I started painting, really. If they'd asked me this time last year, I'd have been forced to write wedding-day fanfiction.

man-spider, overheard in my life, music, does whatever a spider can, conversational adventures, artistic inability, real life (there's a rarity), painting adventures

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