Why Is The Duck The Only One Surprised By All The Animal-People?

Dec 22, 2012 10:54

I have now watched the first four episodes of Princess Tutu! futuresoon is entirely responsible for this.

Here are my thoughts: what?

Here, to further illustrate said thoughts, is an exchange I had with my housemate when I was in the middle of the second episode:

Riona: Oh no! An anteater in a school uniform is asking out the boy the duck-girl likes!
th_esaurus: ...
th_esaurus: This isn't a real series.
th_esaurus: I'm not okay with this.

(One of my favourite moments in that particular episode comes when the boy's schoolmates learn that he is going out with an anteater. There is general shock - not because his girlfriend is an anteater, but because they thought he liked someone else.)

Princess Tutu, as far as I can tell, is about a girl who is secretly a magical ballerina who is secretly a duck who solves people's problems by dancing with them. It is even stranger than it sounds. I sort of love it already. Ahiru is incredibly endearing.

(Ahiru is also the easiest character to assign a Pokémon ever. Psyduck. Sorted. Oh no, wait, what about Ducklett? It evolves into Swanna, which is a great parallel for Ahiru turning into Princess Tutu! But Psyduck would be so perfect! It's possible to have multiple Pokémon, of course, but for some reason I'm convinced that Ahiru has only one.

Maybe Ahiru is a Ducklett but has a Psyduck.


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princess tutu, rd is amazing, crossovers, conversational adventures, pokémon, first impressions

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